Thruster Set Components

A thruster set component models the thrusting capability of a spacecraft. Each thruster is defined with its own orientation, engine model, and other characteristics. In the Thruster Direction Definition menu, select Acceleration or Exhaust to specify the thrust direction that you want to model.

Managing thrusters

You can right-click in the table or use the Thruster List toolbar to add, cut, copy, paste, delete, or duplicate individual thrusters. Each thruster in the set is displayed on a row in the table with basic information about it. You can click on the Name and User Comment fields to define them. You can define the parameters of the thruster that is selected in the table using properties fields that are displayed beneath the table.

Defining a thruster

The parameters that define a thruster are described in the following table.

Thruster Parameters

Parameter Description
Engine Model Click to select and configure an Engine Model for the thruster.
Thruster Efficiency Enter a value for the efficiency of the thruster. The consequences of this value depend on what you have specified for the finite maneuver.
Equivalent On-Time Enter a percentage value. This factor is multiplied by the thrust. Thrust is applied continuously throughout the maneuver and is reduced by this percentage. The mass flow rate is likewise reduced. For example, for an on-time percentage of 75%, the acceleration on the spacecraft will be reduced by 25% and only 75% of the fuel will be used.
Thruster Direction Define a vector in the body frame. Select between Cartesian or Spherical and enter values for the associated orientation components. This vector describes the orientation of the thrust in the Thruster Direction Definition.