Perch Maximum Error RPO Sequence

The Perch Maximum Error RPO sequence maintains a perch point using the maximum error method. This sequence uses forced-motion waypoints to maintain the current relative position. This relative position, when not on the VBar, requires station-keeping maneuvers to remain there.

The following pictures show a perch point, relative to the target, at +200m radial/+200m in-track/+200m cross-track for two hours with Perch_MaxError set to 1 meter. This example requires five maneuvers and total Delta-V of 2.3 cm/sec.

Watch the following video to learn more about the RPO sequence on this page.

Sequence Parameters

Perch_DurationEnter the duration of the perch you want to maintain.
Perch_MaxErrorEnter the maximum distance error from the perch point.
Perch_ReferenceEnter, as a string, the name of the reference satellite that has the ephemeris for the reference perch. The sequence generates the perch reference using the hold method.
Engine_NameEnter, as a string, the name of the finite maneuver engine model.
Maneuver_TypeSelect the type of maneuver, "Impulsive" or "Finite," from the drop-down list.
WhoAmIEnter, as a string,the name of the current satellite.
Sequence_NameEnter the name of this sequence as a string. This is nominally Perch_MaxError, but if you insert the sequence multiple times in the MCS, Astrogator adds a monotonically increasing number to the end of the name (Perch_MaxError1, Perch_MaxError2, etc.).