Set Delta-V RPO Sequence

The Set Delta-V RPO sequence adds to the chase satellite a Delta-V that you specify. The sequence adds this Delta-V at the current time.

The following picture shows a maneuver to produce a Delta-V of 0.01 cm/sec radial, 0.001 cm/sec in-track, and 0.01 cm/sec cross-track at time zero. The satellite starts at a VBar relative orbit and the post-maneuver propagation is for one day.

Watch the following video to learn more about the RPO sequence on this page.

Sequence parameters

RadialEnter the radial component of the Delta-V.
InTrackEnter the in-track component of the Delta-V.
CrossTrackEnter the cross-track component of the Delta-V.
Engine_NameEnter, as a string, the name of the finite maneuver engine model.
Maneuver_TypeSelect the type of maneuver, "Impulsive" or "Finite," from the drop-down list.
WhoAmIEnter, as a string, the name of the current satellite.