Stop Plane Cross RPO Sequence

The Stop Plane Cross RPO sequence propagates the current state until it encounters a plane crossing. If it does not detect the anticipated crossing within one revolution, the sequence issues an error message and stops. You can select from the following plane crossing conditions:

  • Increasing
  • Decreasing
  • Either

You can also select the definition of the plane used for crossings from the following choices:

  • Radial/In-track (cross-track is zero)
  • In-track/Cross-track (radial is zero)
  • Cross-track/Radial (in-track is zero)

You can specify whether or not to stop all relative motion upon arrival at the selected plane crossing.

The following picture shows an initial state above the In-track/Cross-track plane. The sequence propagates it with a negative radial rate until it hits the In-track/Cross-track plane of the target. At that point, the sequences propagation terminates.

Watch the following video to learn more about the RPO sequence on this page.

Sequence parameters

Engine_NameEnter, as a string, the name of the finite maneuver engine model.
Maneuver_TypeSelect the type of maneuver, "Impulsive" or "Finite," from the drop-down list.
WhoAmIEnter, as a string, the name of the current satellite.
Stop_Rel_MotionEnter, as a Boolean, whether you desire to stop relative motion at the stopping condition (True) or not (False).
Plane_Crossing_AxesEnter, as a string, the axes for the plane to stop at. Enter “RI” for the radial/in-track plane, “IC” for the in-track/cross-track plane, or “CR” for the cross-track/radial plane.
Plane_Crossing_ConditionEnter, as a string, the plane crossing condition. Enter “Increasing” for stopping on the increasing plane condition, “Decreasing” for stopping on the decreasing plane condition, or “Either” for stopping on the first plane crossing condition.