STK Enterprise Data Services (SEDS) Details

You can add or manage connections to an STK Enterprise Server from the Data Services preferences page.

After selecting "STK Enterprise Data Services" and clicking Details, click the icon to create a SEDS connection. When you create a connection, the STK Enterprise Data Services (SEDS) Details dialog box appears. This window contains fields described in the following table:

Field Description
Name You must provide the name of the server.
Server URL You must provide the URL location of the server.
Description Write a description of the connection, if desired.
Data Services Specify the type of data service, for example GCS, and whether it is active.

Managing SEDS Connections

To manage an existing SEDS connection, click it in the server list to select it.

Click the icon to view and edit the selected connection's properties in the STK Enterprise Data Services (SEDS) Details window, or select the Use check box to connect to the server.

Click the button to delete the selected connection.

Common questions

What happens if I remove SEDS?

If you remove the SEDS item from the Data Services, you will not longer be able to access the Satellite Database, GCS, and other data items in SEDS.

How do I restore it after it has been deleted?

If the SEDS item has been removed from your instance of STK, you can add it back by clicking the Add a New SEDS icon (). This will open the STK Enterprise Data Services (SEDS) Details dialog box so you can define the connection details for SEDS. The details in the dialog box are listed in the table above.

After you enter the URL, the Data Services table populates with the type of services available. Click OK to save your changes.

How do I load terrain from a GCS server?

By default, STK uses the world terrain set when using AGI's GCS terrain server. You can view this by selecting View > Globe Manager for the 3D Graphics window.

To configure a custom terrain server:

  1. Select Edit > Preferences > Data Services.
  2. In the Services section, select Terrain Server.
  3. Click Details. The Terrain Services dialog box appears.
  4. Select Custom Terrain Server from the Terrain Server drop-down menu.
  5. In the Server URL field, enter the URL of the server and select a tileset from the drop-down menu. You can view this within the Globe Manager for the 3D Graphics window.
  6. Toggle Extents and Zoom To functions do not work with tilesets. You must know where your terrain is located to see it.