Save/Load Preferences

Through Preferences from the Edit menu, go to the Save/Load Prefs page to set preferences for saving and loading data and objects in STK.

Saving formats

Option Description
Save vehicle ephemeris If you select this check box, STK saves ephemerides of all vehicles with the scenario whenever you click Save.
Save ephemeris in binary format If you select this check box, STK saves ephemeris in binary format whenever you click Save.
Save computed accesses If you select this check box, STK saves with the scenario all accesses that are computed and not yet removed.
Save sensor target pointing computed accesses If you select this check box, sensor target pointing accesses that have been computed are saved with the sensor.
When saving locally, save scenarios in VDF format

If you select this check box, STK saves scenarios as VDF files when saving locally. It is still be possible to save a scenario as an SC file by manually selecting that file type when using File > Save As.

Auto Save

Use the options in the Auto Save area to select the directory in which STK should place scenario files when saving them automatically and to set the time intervals between Auto Saves.

If you have a child object identically named as another child object in the scenario, STK warns you about unpredictable results when the scenario is saved. If auto save is enabled, that pop-up window does not appear. If you need to use the auto saved scenario for any reason, results may be unpredictable. We recommend that you do not have child objects named identically in the scenario to avoid this issue.

Option Description
Enabled If you select this check box, the system automatically saves your work in the specified location and with the specified frequency.
Directory Click the button to browse to the directory where you want STK to save scenarios and objects when using the Auto Save feature.
Save Period Specify the interval that defines the frequency with which you want STK to save your scenario automatically.
  • If you select the Save vehicle ephemeris check box, and Auto Save is enabled, STK performance may be impaired. However, if you clear this check box before you save and close the scenario, you must regenerate all vehicle ephemeris in the scenario when you reopen the scenario. If there are several vehicles in the scenario, it is obviously quicker and more efficient to load the ephemeris from a file than to repropagate each vehicle.
  • Auto Save does not save window layouts or workbooks.


If you select the On load, propagate vehicles that have no ephemeris check box, STK will propagate a vehicle with no saved ephemeris when the scenario loads.

In the VDF Unpack Location field, click to select the directory where a VDF file or package format will be unpacked before it is loaded into STK.

Save/Load Location

If you select the Default to Minerva check box, STK defaults to saving scenarios and objects to Minerva..

In the Directory field, click to select the Minerva directory where STK will save scenarios and objects.

Copy / Paste

If you select the Don't create unique names for pasted sub-objects check box, STK will not automatically rename subobjects when performing a copy and paste in the Object Browser. AGI recommends that you do not have child objects named identically in the scenario to avoid potential unpredictability.