Cesium ion Preferences

You can set Cesium ion server preferences from the Data Services Preferences page.

Field Description
Server Enter the Cesium ion server name.
API Endpoint URL Enter the URL for the Cesium ion API endpoint. This is where authorized REST requests for the assets list and specific assets are submitted.

Access tokens

Click Add a new access token () to define the Name and Value of an access token. To remove an access token, select it in the list and click Remove the selected access token ().

Configuring an access token

  1. Go to the Cesium ion website at https://ion.cesium.com.
  2. Sign in to your Cesium ion account; or, if this is your first time using Cesium ion, sign up for a Cesium ion account.
  3. Select the Access Tokens tab and click Create token.
  4. Enter a name for the token.
  5. For Scopes, you must select at least assets:read and assets:list.
  6. Click Create.
  7. Copy the created token and paste it into the Ansys Systems Tool Kit® (STK®) digital mission engineering software in the Value field for the access token.

Now you are ready to import 3D tilesets into the STK application that you uploaded or added from the Cesium ion Asset Depot to My Assets defined in your Cesium ion account through the Globe Manager Hierarchy Tab.