Licensing Settings

Ansys Licensing Settings is a desktop utility installed by default on Windows and that you can install on Linux by unpacking stk_licensingclient_ui_v12.10.tgz. AGI recommends using Ansys Licensing Settings to specify the information needed to communicate with the license server.

This help topic is a high-level overview of the Ansys Licensing Settings utility. For a comprehensive understanding of each option, go to <STK Installation Media>\AnsysLicenseManager\winx64\util\installHelp.pdf.

Launching Ansys Licensing Settings

To launch Ansys Licensing Settings, go to the Windows Start menu and proceed as follows:

  • Start > STK 12 > Ansys Licensing Client Settings

If you are on Windows 10, your path is All Apps > STK 12 > Ansys Licensing Client Settings.

Once launched, you should select the Enable Flexnet Publisher Licensing check box. This enables you to enter port and server information.

The following options appear on the left:

Tab Description
FlexNet Publisher

You can access three suboptions:

  • License servers - This is for providing port and server identifiers to access a license server. This is the default view when you first open the utility.
  • Features in use - Provides a report of both licenses in use and the users currently employing the licenses.
  • Borrowing - Enables you to borrow license files, if they are available and borrowable. This function does not work for dongle licenses.
Web Licensing Click Elastic to access an elastic license. Enter the Elastic License Server Id and the Elastic License Server PIN.
Preferences After clicking HPC priority, you can adjust the high performance computing priority scheme for your licensed products by dragging options above or below other option.
Diagnostics Click the Diagnostics link and then click Generate to view a report of system information and system diagnostics.

Configuring the licensing client to access the server

These sections assume a license administrator has already set up a license server and provided you with the following:

  • HostName or IP address of the license server
  • a port number (1055 is the default)

Using the Ansys Licensing Settings utility

  1. Locate the Ansys Licensing Settings utility: Start > STK 12 > Ansys Licensing Client Settings. Right-click it and select Run as Administrator.
  2. If you do not run as administrator, you may receive an error when the utility tries to save your configuration to C:\Program Files\AGI\STK 12\Shared Files\Licensing\ansyslmd.ini. Please close the utility and run as an administrator.

  3. Bring the Ansys Licensing Settings utility to the front.
  4. Make sure you are in the License Servers view; you should see "FlexNet Publisher > License servers" at the top.
  5. Select the Enable Flexnet Publisher Licensing check box so that you can enter port and server information.
  6. Enter the Port (1055 is the default).
  7. Enter Server 1 (HostName or IP address). If you are employing the Triad configuration for redundant license servers, also enter Server 2 and Server 3.
  8. Click Test to check to see if the credentials are correct (green check circle).
  9. Click Save to save the configuration.

Manually configure the licensing client to access the server

If the Ansys Licensing Settings utility fails or you have installed STK on a computer without graphics as a compute node, follow these instructions to configure the licensing client to access the license server.

  1. Open a text editor and create a file with the name ansyslmd.ini.
  2. Add a single server using the following format:
  3. SERVER=<flexnetport>@<HostName or IP address>

    For two or more servers, each server should have its own "SERVER=" line.

  4. For redundant (triad) servers, separate each server with a semicolon (;) on Windows:
  5. SERVER=<flexnetport>@<host1>;<flexnetport>@<host2>;<flexnetport>@<host3>
  6. Move the ansyslmd.ini file to <STK installation directory>/Shared Files/Licensing.
  7. Depending on the STK installation directory, you may need administrator privileges to write to the location.

Set an environment variable

We recommend using the ansyslmd.ini method described above, however you can also set an environment variable to point to the license server.


Uninstalling the Ansys Licensing Settings utility

On Windows, Ansys Licensing Settings will be uninstalled when you uninstall STK 12. The ansyslmd.ini file created by the utility will be left behind, so you need to remove it manually. The default location is C:\Program Files\AGI\STK 12\Shared Files\Licensing\ansyslmd.ini.