Pass, Route & Trajectory Graphics

Pass, Route and Trajectory graphics enable you to define the display of leading and/or trailing portions of vehicle routes, ground tracks, trajectories and orbits.

Leading/Trailing Options

The display of leading and trailing portions of a route, ground track, trajectory or orbit is determined on the basis of the current animation time.

Bear in mind that Lead and Trail Type options with names such as Quarter, Half, Full and Percent are defined with reference to the leading or trailing portion only. For example, as illustrated in the following diagram, a Lead Type of Half for an Orbit Track displays one quarter of the orbit track forward from the current position of the satellite:

The following table defines Lead and Trail Type options for satellites and other vehicles:

Option Description
Lead Type Define the display of the leading portion of a vehicle tracks. The leading portion of a vehicle's track begins at the vehicle's present position and moves forward half the span of its ephemeris.
  • Time - Display the segment of the leading portion of the vehicle's path that it traverses in the specified amount of time (in seconds).
  • Percent - Indicate the percentage of the leading portion of a vehicle's track that will display.
  • Quarter - Display one quarter of the leading portion of a vehicle's track.
  • Half - Display one half of the leading portion of a vehicle's track.
  • Full - Display the entire leading portion of a vehicle's track.
  • All - Display the track spanning the entire vehicle ephemeris.
  • None - Display none of the leading portion of the vehicle's track.
  • One Pass (Satellites only) - Display forward to the first pass break. At the pass break, display forward to the next one.
  • Current Interval - When the vehicle is using Access Intervals, Custom Intervals or Realtime Intervals, display the leading portion of the vehicle's track for the graphics interval that contains the current animation time. When using Basic graphics options the entire leading portion will be displayed.
Trail Type Define the display of the trailing portion of vehicle's track. The trailing portion of a track begins at the vehicle's present position and moves backward half the span of the vehicle's ephemeris. The options available for displaying the trailing portion of vehicle tracks include those listed above and a Same As Lead option.