Line Target Properties

Line Target Path

This panel lets you define the points of the line target.


The points table displays a summary of the latitude and longitude values for each point, and indicates which point is currently defined as the anchor point. You can add, change or delete points, and define the anchor point as follows.

Add Points

  1. Click Add beside the Points table to add a line of data representing a path point.
  2. Edit the Latitude and Longitude values for each point by double-clicking the appropriate field in the table and entering the desired value in the field. The anchor point field cannot be defined or edited in this manner.
  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to define each point along the path of the line target.
  4. Click OK or Apply to save your changes.

Edit Points

  1. Double-click the latitude or longitude value in the line of data representing the path point that you want to change.
  2. Enter the new latitude or longitude values.
  3. Click OK or Apply to save your changes.

Remove Points

  1. Click Remove All to remove all points in the table, or select the line of data representing the path point that you want to remove and click Remove.
  2. Click OK or Apply to save your changes.

Map Pick Mode

Select a mode to use the mouse within the 2D Graphics window to add, edit, or remove points.

You do not need to click OK or Apply after you have positioned the line target in the 2D Graphics window. You will need to click OK or Apply if you have made any other changes on the Path properties page.

For more information on setting object properties using the mouse, see Mouse Shortcuts.

Mode Function
Add New Point Click anywhere in the 2D Graphics window to add additional path points (latitude/longitude values) to the Points table.
Change Selected Point Click anywhere in the 2D Graphics window to change path points (latitude/longitude values) in the Points table.
Select Point Click a point in the 2D Graphics window to select that point in the Points table.

Anchor Point

Select which point will be defined as the anchor point, which is the point that serves as the reference point for the line target.

Use: Select First, Mid, Last, or List point.

The First, Mid, and Last selections will automatically define the anchor point based on that reference.

The List selection enables the Set From List button, which sets the currently selected point in the Points table as the anchor point.