Vector Geometry Tool (VGT) Reference Frames

This topic provides technical notes concerning common Vector Geometry Tool reference frames installed with STK.

All central bodies in the VGT support inertial axes, and except for Earth and Sun, these axes are identical to ICRF.

You can use any VGT coordinate system as the CoordinateAxes keyword in attitude (*.a) files and as the CoordinateSystem keyword in ephemeris (*.e) files. You can also use them as coordinate system options when defining the initial orbit state for Two Body, J2, J4, and HPOP propagators.

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Central body-based reference frames

The VGT contains the following central body reference frames.

Trajectory-based reference frames

Central body surface-based reference frames

Epoch-based reference frames

The following epoch-based reference frame definitions require you to specify an epoch for creating a specific instance of the reference frame.

Ecliptic-based reference frames

The VGT provides four ecliptic-based reference frames. All of these reference frames are very similar, and the following image is representative of all of them.