Geo Mag Flux Tool

The Geo Mag Flux tool allows you to examine a flux file in the manner in which STK reads it, allowing you to verify that it will be processed correctly when used in a scenario. Flux files can be used to define atmospheric density with the HPOP and Astrogator orbit propagators.

To open the Geo Mag Flux tool, highlight the scenario in the Object Browser and select Geo Mag Flux... from the Scenario menu.

To examine a flux file, click the ellipsis button and browse to it.

  • Click Flux Summary Report... to view an overview of the file's contents, including the range of its dataset. The report will open in a separate window.
  • Click Flux Data Report... to view a detailed report of the file's individual data points. The report will open in a separate window.
  • The Schatten, SolFlx_CSSI.dat, and NASA DAS files all support extrapolation using a repeat cycle. By default, the Schatten and the CSSI files use a 12 yr repeat cycle, while the NASA DAS file use a 4014 day cycle. Values for times past the end of the native data are found by subtracting the repeat cycle from the date until that adjusted date lies within the native data and the values for that date are used.

Click Close when you are finished working with the Geo Mag Flux tool. Any reports that you generated will remain open. The next time you open the tool, the last file you examined will be the default file in the Flux/AP File field.