Delaunay Variables Coordinate Type

The Delaunay Variables coordinate type uses a set of canonical action-angle variables, which are commonly used in general perturbation theories. The element set consists of three conjugate action-angle pairs. Lower case letters represent the angles while upper case letters represent the conjugate actions.

The Delaunay variables coordinate type is not available if a Fixed coordinate system is selected.

There are two options for the representation of each action variable. The default representation gives the canonical actions used in Hamilton's equations of motion. The other representation, which divides the actions by the square root of the central-body gravitational constant, yields a geometric version of the Delaunay set that is independent of the central body.

  • L is related to the two-body orbital energy.
  • G is the magnitude of the orbital angular momentum.
  • H is the Z component of the orbital angular momentum.

The above components are expressed in terms of distance squared, divided by time, where distance is measured in standard units and time is measured in seconds. The angles are:

  • l is the mean anomaly.
  • g is the argument of perigee.
  • h is the right ascension of the ascending node.