Insert Satellite from SP3 File

Use the Insert Satellite from SP3 File tool to select and insert Satellite objects using orbital elements from an SP3 catalog file.

Specify Catalog Source

Click to browse to and select your external SP3 catalog. The SP3 file is an ASCII file that contains information about the precise orbital data (in the Earth-fixed reference frame) and the associated satellite clock corrections.

Analysis Time Period

The analysis time period is controlled by the selected SP3 file.

Satellite list

All Satellites in the catalog appear on the left side of the Insert from SP3 dialog box. Click anywhere in the row to select a satellite. To select more than one satellite, hold the Ctrl key and click rows for the additional satellites. To select all the satellites in the list, click Select All. To remove all your selections and start over, click Unselect All.

Each satellite in the list has the following identifiers:

Option Description
ID The GPS ID in the form Gxx, where xx is the PRN number
Common Name In the form GPS PRN xx, where xx is the PRN number
SSC The SSC number of the satellite


Select the color choice or select Auto Select Color to allow STK to choose colors sequentially for the selected satellites.


If you select the Create Constellation from Selected Satellites check box, STK creates a constellation that includes all of the satellites you selected. Enter the constellation's name in the text box.