Become Level 1 - STK Certified
Once you have completed Fundamentals training (the Level 1 - Beginner tutorials), you will be well prepared to complete the STK Level 1 - STK Certification test. The STK Certification is the first level of certification and validates your ability to perform fundamental skills needed to be productive with STK.
What's in the Test?
The STK Certification test consists of one exercise scenario and you have 14 days from registration date to complete the test. The following objectives are tested:
- Model Your Systems - KML, Aircraft, Satellite, Sensor, Constraints
- Analyze Your Systems - Access Tool, Report & Graph Manager, Quick Reports
- Visualize Your Data - 3D Models, Stored Views, Timeline View
- Extend STK - Connect and Object Model
- Share Your Work - VDF, STK Data Federate, Movies, Snapshots
If you pass your STK Certification test, you will receive a personalized STK Certification certificate, an Ansys lanyard, and a custom STK Certification pin. Register now to take the Level 1 - STK Certification test.