Jammer to Ground Site Vignette
STK Enterprise
You can obtain the necessary licenses for this training by visiting http://licensing.agi.com/stk/evaluation or contacting AGI Support at support@agi.com or 1-800-924-7244.
We will explore a hypothetical jamming scenario. A ground site on San Nicolas Island (SNI) will be tracking one of the aircraft, Target1. We assume that Target1 has a RF transmitter that is being detected by a receiver on SNI. During one of the runs, the XF1_0123 aircraft will turn on its jammer and target the SNI facility. This will degrade the SNI receiver’s ability to detect Target1’s transmitter.
Capabilities Covered
Test and Evaluation Tool Kit (TETK)
STK Core
Insert a Facility object
- From the menu bar, select Insert > From File…
- Browse to the folder C:\Program Files\AGI\STK 12\Help\TeTraining\Training files\.
- Select and Open the file SNI.f. This San Nicolas Island facility file came from another STK scenario.
- Right-click on the SNI facility in the Object Browser. Select Facility Plugins > Make Ownship. This will allow us to treat the facility as an Analysis Object so that we can take advantage of the TETK capabilities.
- Click to accept the time step of 0.1 seconds.
- Click in the STK Data Selector Window. It’s not necessary to select additional STK Data.
In the “Update scenario time span” window, choose Do not change the scenario time span and click
Load Track Data During the Jamming Run
- Load Track Data by opening the Data Importer (
) in the T&E Tool Kit toolbar.
- Click C:\Program Files\AGI\STK 12\Help\TeTraining\Training files. and browse to
- Open the RF link info with Jamming.csv file.
- For Analysis Object, select the SNI.
- For Time Column, select the Time element.
- Click and close the Data Source Importer window.
- Click the Flight Segment Definition button (
) in the T&E Tool Kit toolbar.
- Highlight the SNI facility and create a New segment (
- In the Setup Segment Definition, add a new SubSystem by clicking the add (
) button.
- Enter Jamming in the New SubSystem text box. Click add (
). Click and Close.
- Make sure the Jamming SubSystem is selected in the drop down and click .
- Under Import Segments, click From File. Browse to C:\Program Files\AGI\STK 12\Help\TeTraining\Training files\ and select the Jamming runs.txt file.
- Click .
- Click the button.
- Select */Aircraft/Target1 in the Available Assets and move it to the Selected Assets panel.
- Click .
- Click the button. Change the color to orange.
Create Tracks for Observations from SNI to Target1
- Open the Custom Workflow (
) in the T&E Tool Kit toolbar.
- Select the Tracks Workflow and create a New track (
- In the Track Setup panel, change the Analysis Object to SNI.
- Change the Track Name to Jamming.
- Create a new Track Mapping by clicking the add (
) button.
- Name the Track Mapping JammingTracks.
- Select AzElR in the Track Representation section.
- In the Track Reference Frame section, click the frame button (
) and select Facility/SNI Body.
- Expand RF link info with Jamming.csv and move the Time, Azimuth, Elevation, Range, and Valid to the corresponding properties.
- Click to accept the changes.
- In the Pick Info Data Group, click add (
) to create a new Pick Info mapping.
- Name the Pick Info Mapping JammingPickInfo.
- Move all Available Data Elements to the Selected Data Elements panel.
- Click to close the Pick Info window.
- In the Constrain Data By Time section, click on the Select Time Interval icon (
). Double-click the Jamming_SNI_Run1 interval.
- Click in the Track Setup panel to create the tracks.
- Zoom-to the Target1 aircraft. (Make sure the animation time is during the Jamming_SNI_Run1 interval.) The dots represent the measured tracks as observed from SNI to Target1.
- Double-click on an individual track point to show information on that selected track point. Notice the values for C/N vs C/(N+I). This shows nominal vs the Interference (or jamming) values for Carrier to Noise ratio at that particular time step.
- Create a Link Line between XF1_0123 and SNI.
- Color the link line red.
- Set the Display Interval to Jamming_SNI_Run1. This shows a red line during which time the XF1 aircraft is jamming the SNI facility.
- Save your scenario.
You can also create Data Displays and Graphs using the additional data in the CSV file. . If you decide to use an additional parameter that has unit dB or dBW in the RF link info with Jamming.csv file and don’t have that unit in your TETK unit mappings, you will be prompted to add a new unit. Configure your inputs to match the image below (Use Label = dBW if you’re adding that) and then click OK. Since the TETK units don’t currently support logarithmic unit conversions you will add both as Unitless values.