Multi-Sensor Air Tracks Vignette
STK Enterprise
You can obtain the necessary licenses for this training by visiting or contacting AGI Support at or 1-800-924-7244.
Capabilities Covered
Test and Evaluation Tool Kit (TETK)
STK Core
Setting Up the Flight Analysis Tool
We will now continue to explore tracks by looking at the Target1 and Target2 tracks. First let's clean up the 3D graphics window.
- In the Custom Workflows (
) window, click Tracks, and clear the ShipTracksRF check box.You can also uncheck the object from the Object Browser.
- Close the window.
- Toggle on the Target1 and Target2 check boxes in the Object Browser.
- In the Flight Analysis Tool, right-click the XF1_0123 and choose Set Lead/Trail Times.
- Select the Target1, Target2, and XF1_0123check boxes.
- Set the Lead Type field to None.
- Set the Trail Type field to Time, then set the value to 240 seconds. This will declutter the 3D graphics window by limiting the aircraft flight path. In this example, you'll just show the aircraft and the last 4 minutes of their paths.
- Click .
- Select the parent LinkLine check box in the Flight Analysis Tool to toggle all link lines back on.
Add the Multi-Sensor Air Tracks
- Load Air Track Data by opening the Data Importer (
) in the T&E Tool Kit toolbar.
- Click C:\Program Files\AGI\STK 12\Help\TeTraining\Training files. and browse to
- Open the Air Tracks - Radar.csv file. This contains the time, latitude, longitude, altitude, and range of each track as well as the covariance and some additional metadata.
Since you added a time mapping for “Time” when you loaded the ship tracks data file, note how Time is now automatically selected for Time Column.
- Click in the Select Analysis Object window, then click at the data import success.
- Close the Data Source Importer window.
- Open the Custom Workflows (
) window in the T&E Tool Kit toolbar.
- Select Tracks from the drop-down and Create a New Track (
- Name the Track AirTracksRadar.
- In the Track Mapping section, click the plus button (
) to create a new mapping.
- Name the Track Mapping AirTracks.
- Set the Altitude Reference to WGS84.
- Expand Air Tracks - Radar.csv and move Time, Latitude, Longitude, Altitude, Data Valid, and Track ID over to the appropriate properties.
- Click the Covariance (Optional) tab.
- Click the axes button (
) and choose XF1_0123 Body.
- In the Covariance Form section, ensure that Upper Triangular is selected.
- Assign XX, XY, XZ, YY, YZ, and ZZ to the appropriate properties.
- Click .
- Under Covariance Frame Object, make sure XF1_0123 is set.
- In the Pick Info Data Group section, click the plus button (
- In the Pick Info Mapping Name field, enter AirTracks_PickInfo.
- Move Time, Latitude, Longitude, Altitude, Range, and Data Valid under Air Tracks — Radar.csv to the Selected Data Elements table under the Default folder.
- Click the Add Group button (
) to add a new group under Range and rename the group Complex ID. Rename with a delayed double-click or a quick triple-click.
- Move Track ID and Sensor ID under Air Tracks — Radar.csv to the Selected Data Elements table under the Default folder.
- Click the Add Group button (
) to add a third group under Data Valid and rename the group Covariance.
- Move the remaining XX, XY, XZ, YY, YZ, and ZZ elements under Air Tracks — Radar.csv to the Selected Data Elements table under the Covariance folder.
- Click , and then click again on the Tracks Setup panel. The air tracks will be created.
- Zoom-to Target1 to observe the tracks. Use the Timeline View to fast-forward to the time interval for Radar XF1_0123 Run1. The white dots in the 3D graphics window represent all the measured track data for all three Radar runs. You will notice that track data for Target2 are also displayed.
- Navigate back to the Workflows window. On the Tracks Graphics tab, the Dynamic Settings is currently set to Static so all the track data is shown regardless of the animation time. You can change the Dynamic Settings to Dynamic to control when the tracks appear based on the current animation time. Setting it to Current only shows the measured track at the current animation time.
- On the Track Graphics tab and the Points subtab, select the Color By Values radio button.
- Click the data element button (
- Expand Air Tracks – Radar.csv and choose Sensor ID.
- Under Color Options, select the Unique Values radio button. Expand the Workflows window vertically to see the Unique Values table.
- Click the apply color palette button (
) and click at the popup.
- Click
The points will now be colorized based on which sensor took the measurement where green represents Sensor ID 100, blue is Sensor ID 200, and red is Sensor ID 300.
- You can double-click on any point to view a pop-up of the measured track information.
If you zoom-out on the measured tracks, you can see that Sensor 100 (green) is the most accurate sensor as the tracks are less dispersed and closer to the truth Target1 object.
Filter the Air Tracks
- Duplicate the AirTracksRadar (
- Name it AirTracksRadar_Sensor100.
- Click the Filter Track Data button (
- Click at the Continue Showing This Message popup.
- Change the Type to Explicit.
- Click the Data Element button (
), expand Air Tracks - Radar.csv and choose Sensor ID.
- In the Explicit/Min field, enter 100.
- Click .
- Toggle off the AirTracksRadar and now you should only see the green Sensor ID 100 tracks.
- Repeat steps 1-9 for Sensor ID 200 and Sensor ID 300.
- Filter each of the tracks by setting a Track ID Constraint (
) and choosing ID 1001. This can either be done through the same Filter window you just used, or you can use the quicker “Track ID / Time Constraint“ field along the top of the Tracks workflow page. If using the latter option, you must click Apply in the main window before moving on to the next track to filter. This will filter the tracks to only show for Target1.