Description | Example | Return message | Group


Set the auto save options for the current STK session


AutoSave <ApplicationPath> {AutoSaveOptions}

Related commands


The AutoSave Connect command allows you to activate or disable the automatic save function and specify the directory path and time interval for saving your scenario.

Save options are only in use for the current Connect session-they aren't saved with STK.

{AutoSaveOptions} can be:

EnableSystem automatically saves your work at the interval specified
DisableWork isn't automatically saved
Directory "<DirectoryPath>"Specify the directory path for saving the scenario
Period <TimeValue>Interval between automatic file saves entered in Connect time units. Value must be greater than 30 seconds.
SaveNowIf this option is included, and AutoSave is enabled, the scenario will be saved immediately. If not entered, the Scenario will be saved when the auto save interval elapses.


To turn on the autosave function, and save your scenario every 5 minutes (or 300 seconds):

AutoSave / Enable Period 300

To automatically save the current application data to c:/MyTemp/AutoSave, and to save the scenario immediately:

Autosave / Directory "c:/MyTemp/AutoSave" SaveNow

To turn off the autosave function:

AutoSave / Disable

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

Application Options

