Description | Example | Return message | Group


Set performance response of the 2D and 3D Graphics windows


BatchGraphics <ScenarioPath> {On | Off} [Optimize]


The BatchGraphics command allows you to control whether updates to STK should occur immediately (Off) or if they should be delayed (On). This feature improves STK graphics performance when you're manipulating attributes for a large number of objects.

If setting BatchGraphics to Off, you can include the Optimize option at the end of the command. If you include it, only objects whose graphics have been changed since the previous BatchGraphics On command are updated. If you don't include the Optimize option, all objects are updated.

If the Optimize option is included, only objects whose graphics have been changed will be updated, child object graphics will not be updated. Do not use Optimize if you have changed the graphics of an object that has children.

When BatchGraphics is set to On, the graphics properties changed by subsequent Connect commands are registered internally to STK. But please note: Some graphical changes may be restored when one of the following happens:

  • An animation refresh occurs when the scenario is currently animating or you request an animate action such as Step or Reset.
  • A request to redraw the window (such as Resize to Aspect Ratio) occurs in STK.

If BatchGraphics is set to On, and the connection is disconnected then BatchGraphics will be turned Off.

If the VO Model command is specified within a BatchGraphics block (between BatchGraphics On and BatchGraphics Off commands), then commands that access the model file may not be processed properly as the Model file may not be fully loaded until the BatchGraphics Off command is issued. For example the VO ModelPointing command.


To set graphics to update at the next animation step in the current scenario:

BatchGraphics * On

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

2D Graphics Window


VO Objects

