Description | Example | Return message | Group


Return information about a Chain.


Chains_R <ObjectPath> {ChainsOption}


EndObjectStrands <EndObjectPath>Returns access data for all extended chain strands. Extended strands are the normal chain strands which have been lengthened to include the additional STK object specified as a parameter to this option.

This option is valid for Chains only.

IntervalsReturns a summary of the complete chain access intervals within the specified chain.

This command returns the equivalent of the "Complete Chain Access" report.

This option is valid for Chains only.

StrandsThe Chains_R Strands command allows you to identify possible access pathways through the specified chain. For a chain defined by a series of individual objects, only a single strand is possible. In the case where one or more objects in the chain are constellations, multiple strands are possible. Further, any constellation constraints (i.e., ANY OF, ALL OF, AT LEAST N, EXACTLY N) determine the number of possible strands for a chain that includes constellation objects.

This option is valid for Chains only

FromOperatorIdentify the Operator constraints placed upon a constellation. It returns a list that includes the type of constraint applied to the specified constellation.

This option is valid for Constellations only

The Operator {ChainsOption} is deprecated in STK 11.4. It will return the value of the FromOperator.

SubObjectsIdentify all of the subobjects included in a chain or constellation. It returns a list that includes the type and name of each object.


To compute access from the two relay satellites at the end of the SpaceLink chain to the GroundUser facility:

Chains_R */Chain/SpaceLink EndObjectStrands */Facility/GroundUser

Return message

Sample return message for the Chains_R Connect command using the EndObjectStrands option:
Chains_R */Chain/SpaceLink EndObjectStrands */Facility/GroundUser ACK CHAINS_R 740 Facility/GroundTerminal To Satellite/Relay1 To Facility/GroundUser /Application/STK/Scenario/SatComm/Chain/SpaceLink 5 01 Oct 1999 00:00:00.00 01 Oct 1999 00:06:33.79 ... Facility/GroundTerminal To Satellite/Relay2 To Facility/GroundUser /Application/STK/Scenario/SatComm/Chain/SpaceLink 5 01 Oct 1999 04:26:23.69 01 Oct 1999 04:32:55.20 ...


To return a list of all access intervals calculated within the F18_Sensor_Target chain:

Chains_R */Chain/F18_Sensor_Target Intervals

Return message

Sample return message for the Chains_R Connect command using the Intervals {ChainOption}
CHAINS_R 265 Satellite/testSat1 to Facility/testFac to Satellite/testSat2 /Application/STK/Scenario/closeScen/Chain/Chain1 3 01 Jun 2000 08:23:32.24 01 Jun 2000 08:32:51.35 01 Jun 2000 18:56:56.63 01 Jun 2000 19:05:44.79 01 Jun 2000 20:32:51.09 01 Jun 2000 20:35:08.35


To return a list of all strands included in the F18_Sensor_Target chain:

Chains_R */Chain/F18_Sensor_Target Strands

Return message

Sample return message for the Chains_R Connect command using the Strands {ChainOption}
ACK Chains_R Facility/Facility1 To Satellite/TDRS_4 To Satellite/Satellite1 /Application/STK/*/Chain/Chain1 2 01 Jun 2004 12:01:16.71 02 Jun 2004 11:35:33.72 02 Jun 2004 11:56:44.42 02 Jun 2004 12:00:00.00 Facility/Facility1 To Satellite/TDRS_5 To Satellite/Satellite1 /Application/STK/*/Chain/Chain1 0 Facility/Facility1 To Satellite/TDRS_6 To Satellite/Satellite1 /Application/STK/*/Chain/Chain1 2 01 Jun 2004 12:00:43.62 02 Jun 2004 11:30:20.66 02 Jun 2004 11:56:11.51 02 Jun 2004 12:00:00.00 Facility/Facility1 To Satellite/TDRS_7 To Satellite/Satellite1 /Application/STK/*/Chain/Chain1 3 01 Jun 2004 12:00:00.00 01 Jun 2004 14:20:26.11 01 Jun 2004 16:17:48.59 01 Jun 2004 23:55:22.17 02 Jun 2004 00:24:21.64 02 Jun 2004 12:00:00.00


To return a list of the constraints applied to access "From" position of the ActiveGPS constellation:

Chains_R */Constellation/ActiveGPS FromOperator

Return message

Sample return message for the Chains_R Connect command using the FromOperator {ChainOption}
ACK Chains_R 9 ATLEAST 2


To return a list of all subobjects included in the F18_Sensor_Target chain:

Chains_R */Chain/F18_Sensor_Target SubObjects

Return message

Sample return message for the Chains_R command using the SubObjects {ChainOption}
ACK Chains_R 66 Aircraft/F18 Satellite/sunSat/Sensor/Downlink Target/Target1

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):


