Description | Example | Return message | Group


This is the command to return the properties of a Satellite Collection object.


Collection_RM <objPath> GetValue {Type|SubsetNames|Subsets|DefaultReference|SupplementalMetadataFile|Subset|Walker} <Parameters>


The Collection_RM Connect command enables you to return the properties of a Satellite Collection object.

Common returned properties

The command returns the following properties for all types (Walker, Custom, Sat DB, SP3) of Satellite Collections:

TypeThis returns the type of satellite collection (Walker, Custom, SatDB, or SP3).
SubsetNamesThis returns a list of subset names defined for the satellite collection.
SubsetsThis returns the name, type, reference object, and number of entries for each subset defined in the satellite collection.
DefaultReferenceThis returns the default reference object defined for the satellite collection.
SupplementalMetadataFileThis returns the name of the supplemental metadata file (if any).
Subset <name>This returns the name, type, reference object, and number of entries in the specified subset of the satellite collection.

Additional Walker parameters

Walker {Properties|ShellNames|Shell}

If Type is Walker, the return includes the following additional parameters:

PropertiesThis returns the Analysis StartTime, Analysis StopTime, and Name of Analysis time component if a time component is being used, otherwise "(none)".
ShellNamesThis returns the list of shell names.
Shell <shellName>This returns properties of the specified shell. The properties are: shell name, number of planes, number of satellites in each plane, inter plane phase increment (if Star or Delta type) or inter plane phase angle (if Custom type) in Connect units, semimajor axis in Connect units, eccentricity, inclination in Connect units, RAAN in Connect units, argument of perigee in Connect units, mean anomaly in Connect units, epoch in Connect units, nominal altitude in Connect units, reference frame for the orbital elements, reference frame epoch, propagation frame, propagator, pattern type, designation, RAAN spread angle in Connect units, RAAN spacing angle in Connect units, and shell satellite entry name prefix.

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):


