Description | Example | Return message | Group


Add or remove a subobject of constellation and set routing file information


Constellation <ObjectPath> {Option} [<Parameters>]

Related commands


The Constellation command adds or removes the specified object to/from a constellation and can be used to set routing file information.

Wildcards can be used in truncated paths that are passed into Connect.

{Option} can be:

Add<TruncObjectPath>Add the specified subobject to a constellation. The subobject must be part of the current scenario.
Remove<TruncObjectPath>Remove the specified subobject from a constellation. The Remove {Option} doesn't remove the object from the scenario. To remove the object from the scenario use the Unload Connect command.
UseRoutingFile{Yes | No}Turn on or off the ability to use a routing file.
RoutingFile"RoutingFilePath"The filepath to the routing file you want to use for analysis.


To add transmitter to a constellation:

Constellation */Constellation/ConstObj Add Satellite/Satellite1/Sensor/Sensor1/Transmitter/Transmitter1

To enable a Routing File:

Constellation */Constellation/Constellation1 UseRoutingFile Yes

To set the routing file path:

Constellation */Constellation/Constellation1 RoutingFile "C:\Users\user\Documents\STK 12\ConstellationRulesScen\Test_Routing.routing"

To add all Place objects in the scenario to a Constellation:

Constellation */Constellation/ConstObj Add Place/*

To add all Transmitters on the Place objects to a Constellation:

Constellation */Constellation/ConstObj Add Place/*/Transmitter/*

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):



