Define (Sensor)
Define the basic properties of a sensor.
Define <SensorObjectPath> {Type} <TypeData>
The Define command enables you to define a specified sensor instance. <TypeData> is dependent upon the {Type} of sensor specified.
Use the Point commands to further define and manipulate a sensor.
{Type} and <TypeData> can be:
{Type} | {TypeData} |
Conical | <InnerConeHalfAngle> <OuterConeHalfAngle> <MinClockAngle> <MaxClockAngle> [AngularRes <Value>] |
HalfPower | <Frequency> <Diameter> [AngularRes <Value>] |
Custom | "<FilePath>"
"<FilePath>" is the path to a file on your local drive. |
Rectangular | <VerticalHalfAngle> <HorizontalHalfAngle> [AngularRes <Value>] |
SAR | <MinElevationAngle> <MaxElevationAngle> <ForwardExclusionAngle> <AftExclusionAngle> {<ParentAltitude> | TrackParentAltitude {On | Off} } [AngularRes <Value>] |
SimpleCone | <ConeAngle> [AngularRes <Value>] |
EOIR | <AcrossScanSmearRate> [<Value>] The value is a double.
<AlongScanSmearRate> [<Value>] The value is a double. <JitterDataFile> [<file path>] <JitterDataFileFrequencySampling> [<Value>] The value is a double. <JitterDataFileSpatialSampling> [<Value>] The value is a double. <JitterType> Choose from the following string options: "LOS Gaussian", "Power Spectrum File", "MTF File", or "PSF/Realization File". <ProcessingLevel> Choose from the following string options: "Sensor Off", "Geometric Input", "Radiometric Input", or "Sensor Output". <ScanMode> Choose from the following string options: "2D Framing Array". <UseMotionBlur> [<Value>] The value is a BOOLEAN: yes, no, on, off, true, or false. The following options must appear in the command after any of the options above. <AddBand> ["Band Name"] [Band Options] Band options are listed in the next table. <ModifyBand> ["Band Name"] [Band Options] Band options are listed in the next table. <RemoveBand> ["Band Name"] If you use the Define command with Type=EOIR for a sensor that is already Type=EOIR, you will get a NACK response. |
Include the optional AngularRes <Value> parameter to set the angular separation between neighboring pattern points. Enter <Value> in degrees from 0.000001 to 90.0.
All Angle values are entered in degrees.
For EOIR sensors, when you choose the option <AddBand> or <ModifyBand>, you can then choose from the following Band Options:
Band Option | Requirements Description |
RadiometricTable | [Sensitivities | Saturations] - Choose either Sensitivities or Saturations and then supply at least one or more Radiometric Table options, listed in the following table. |
BandName | "Band Name" |
BitDepth | INTEGER |
DarkCurrent | Double |
DetectorFillFactor | Double |
DetectorFullWellCapacity | Double |
DynamicRangeMode | BOOLEAN (yes, no, on, off, true, or false) |
EffFocalL | Double |
EntrancePDia | Double |
Fnumber | Double |
HighBandEdgeWL | Double |
HorizontalHalfAngle | VARIANT - Enter the value as either a numeric (e.g., 0.77) or a quoted string with units (e.g., "22.5 deg"). The default units are radians. |
HorizontalPixels | Double |
HorizontalPP | Double |
ImageQuality | Choose from the following string values: "Diffraction Limited", "Negligible Aberrations", "Mild Aberrations", "Moderate Aberrations", "Custom Wavefront Error", "CustomPSF", or "Custom OTF/MTF" |
IntegrationTime | Double |
LongDFocus | Double |
LowBandEdgeWL | Double |
NumIntervals | INTEGER |
OpticalAutoRebalance | BOOLEAN (yes, no, on, off, true, or false) |
OpticalInputMode | Choose from the following string values: "F-Number and Focal Length", "F-Number and Entrance Pupil Diameter", or "Focal Length and Entrance Pupil Diameter" |
OpticalQualityDataFile | <file path> |
OpticalDataQualityFileFrequencySampling | Double |
OpticalDataQualityFileSpatialSampling | Double |
OpticalTransmission | Double |
OpticalTransmissionMode | Choose from the following string values: "Band Effective Value" or "Spectral Transmission Function" |
OpticalTransmissionSpectralResponseFile | <file path> |
QEFile | <file path> |
QEMode | Choose from the following string values: "Band Effective Value" or "Spectral Response" |
QEValue | Double |
QSS | Double |
QuantizationMode | Choose from the following string values: "Full-Well And Noise", "Full-Well And QSS", "Bit-Depth And Noise", or "Bit-Depth And QSS" |
RadParamLevel | Choose from the following string values: "High Level" or "Low Level" |
ReadNoise | Double |
RMSWaveFrontError | Double |
RSRUnits | Choose from the following string values: "Energy" or "Quanta" |
SaturationMode | Choose from the following string values: "Irradiance" or "Radiance" |
SetRenderBand | "Band Name" |
SimulateQuantization | BOOLEAN (yes, no, on, off, true, or false) |
SpatialAutoRebalance | BOOLEAN (yes, no, on, off, true, or false) |
SpatialInputMode | Choose from the following string values: "Field-of-View and Number of Pixels", "Field-of-View and Detector Pitch", or "Number of Pixels and Detector Pitch" |
SpectralShape | Choose from the following string values: "Use Optical and Radiometric Response" or "Provide System Response" |
SystemRelativeSpectralResponseFile | <file path> |
VerticalHalfAngle | VARIANT - Enter the value as either a numeric (e.g., 0.77) or a quoted string with units (e.g., "22.5 deg"). The default units are radians. |
VerticalPixels | Double |
VerticalPP | Double |
Wavelength | Double |
WavelengthType | Choose from the following string values: "Low Band Edge", "Band Center", "High Band Edge", or "User Defined" |
For EOIR sensors, when you select RadiometricTable as a Band Option, you must include one of the following:
Option | Description |
AddItem | With AddItem, you must supply both of the following: IntegrationTime (double) and EquivalentValue (double). |
RemoveItem | This is an integer value. |
To define the pattern of the Shuttle's Horizon sensor in the current scenario:
To define the pattern of Sensor1 to be rectangular and to have an angular separation of 6 degrees:
To define the pattern of Sensor1 to be SAR and to use the parent's altitude for the altitude of the sensor:
To define an EOIR sensor:
Return message
Group membership
This command belongs to the following group(s):