Description | Example | Return message | Group

Define (Sensor)

Define the basic properties of a sensor.


Define <SensorObjectPath> {Type} <TypeData>


The Define command enables you to define a specified sensor instance. <TypeData> is dependent upon the {Type} of sensor specified.

Use the Point commands to further define and manipulate a sensor.

{Type} and <TypeData> can be:

Conical<InnerConeHalfAngle> <OuterConeHalfAngle> <MinClockAngle> <MaxClockAngle> [AngularRes <Value>]
HalfPower<Frequency> <Diameter> [AngularRes <Value>]

"<FilePath>" is the path to a file on your local drive.

Rectangular<VerticalHalfAngle> <HorizontalHalfAngle> [AngularRes <Value>]
SAR<MinElevationAngle> <MaxElevationAngle> <ForwardExclusionAngle> <AftExclusionAngle> {<ParentAltitude> | TrackParentAltitude {On | Off} } [AngularRes <Value>]
SimpleCone<ConeAngle> [AngularRes <Value>]
EOIR<AcrossScanSmearRate> [<Value>] The value is a double.

<AlongScanSmearRate> [<Value>] The value is a double.

<JitterDataFile> [<file path>]

<JitterDataFileFrequencySampling> [<Value>] The value is a double.

<JitterDataFileSpatialSampling> [<Value>] The value is a double.

<JitterType> Choose from the following string options: "LOS Gaussian", "Power Spectrum File", "MTF File", or "PSF/Realization File".

<ProcessingLevel> Choose from the following string options: "Sensor Off", "Geometric Input", "Radiometric Input", or "Sensor Output".

<ScanMode> Choose from the following string options: "2D Framing Array".

<UseMotionBlur> [<Value>] The value is a BOOLEAN: yes, no, on, off, true, or false.

The following options must appear in the command after any of the options above.

<AddBand> ["Band Name"] [Band Options] Band options are listed in the next table.

<ModifyBand> ["Band Name"] [Band Options] Band options are listed in the next table.

<RemoveBand> ["Band Name"]

If you use the Define command with Type=EOIR for a sensor that is already Type=EOIR, you will get a NACK response.

Include the optional AngularRes <Value> parameter to set the angular separation between neighboring pattern points. Enter <Value> in degrees from 0.000001 to 90.0.

All Angle values are entered in degrees.

For EOIR sensors, when you choose the option <AddBand> or <ModifyBand>, you can then choose from the following Band Options:

Band OptionRequirements Description
RadiometricTable[Sensitivities | Saturations] - Choose either Sensitivities or Saturations and then supply at least one or more Radiometric Table options, listed in the following table.
BandName"Band Name"
DynamicRangeModeBOOLEAN (yes, no, on, off, true, or false)
HorizontalHalfAngleVARIANT - Enter the value as either a numeric (e.g., 0.77) or a quoted string with units (e.g., "22.5 deg"). The default units are radians.
ImageQualityChoose from the following string values: "Diffraction Limited", "Negligible Aberrations", "Mild Aberrations", "Moderate Aberrations", "Custom Wavefront Error", "CustomPSF", or "Custom OTF/MTF"
OpticalAutoRebalanceBOOLEAN (yes, no, on, off, true, or false)
OpticalInputModeChoose from the following string values: "F-Number and Focal Length", "F-Number and Entrance Pupil Diameter", or "Focal Length and Entrance Pupil Diameter"
OpticalQualityDataFile<file path>
OpticalTransmissionModeChoose from the following string values: "Band Effective Value" or "Spectral Transmission Function"
OpticalTransmissionSpectralResponseFile<file path>
QEFile<file path>
QEModeChoose from the following string values: "Band Effective Value" or "Spectral Response"
QuantizationModeChoose from the following string values: "Full-Well And Noise", "Full-Well And QSS", "Bit-Depth And Noise", or "Bit-Depth And QSS"
RadParamLevelChoose from the following string values: "High Level" or "Low Level"
RSRUnitsChoose from the following string values: "Energy" or "Quanta"
SaturationModeChoose from the following string values: "Irradiance" or "Radiance"
SetRenderBand"Band Name"
SimulateQuantizationBOOLEAN (yes, no, on, off, true, or false)
SpatialAutoRebalanceBOOLEAN (yes, no, on, off, true, or false)
SpatialInputModeChoose from the following string values: "Field-of-View and Number of Pixels", "Field-of-View and Detector Pitch", or "Number of Pixels and Detector Pitch"
SpectralShapeChoose from the following string values: "Use Optical and Radiometric Response" or "Provide System Response"
SystemRelativeSpectralResponseFile<file path>
VerticalHalfAngleVARIANT - Enter the value as either a numeric (e.g., 0.77) or a quoted string with units (e.g., "22.5 deg"). The default units are radians.
WavelengthTypeChoose from the following string values: "Low Band Edge", "Band Center", "High Band Edge", or "User Defined"

For EOIR sensors, when you select RadiometricTable as a Band Option, you must include one of the following:

AddItemWith AddItem, you must supply both of the following: IntegrationTime (double) and EquivalentValue (double).
RemoveItemThis is an integer value.


To define the pattern of the Shuttle's Horizon sensor in the current scenario:

Define */Satellite/Shuttle/Sensor/Horizon Conical 0.0 85.0 0.0 360.0

To define the pattern of Sensor1 to be rectangular and to have an angular separation of 6 degrees:

Define */Satellite/Satellite1/Sensor/Sensor1 Rectangular 25.1 36.8 AngularRes 6.0

To define the pattern of Sensor1 to be SAR and to use the parent's altitude for the altitude of the sensor:

Define */Satellite/Satellite1/Sensor/SnSAR SAR 15.2 51.9 5.7 8.6 TrackParentAltitude On

To define an EOIR sensor:

Define */Satellite/Satellite1/Sensor/SnEOIR EOIR JitterType "LOS Gaussian" LineOfSiteJitter 7.77 UseMotionBlur Yes AddBand "My Band"

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):


