Description | Example | Return message | Group


Get information about environmental models.


Environment_RM <ScenarioPath> GetValue [<AttributePath>]

Related commands

This command is DEPRECATED and has been replaced by:



The Environment_RM command allows you to get the value(s) of specific environmental models as pointed to by a specific attribute. The environmental models include models for rain fade and gaseous absorption.

The Environment commands are applied at the scenario level.

If <AttributePath> is not included then the command will return the list of all attributes, and the values of those attributes.

There are three properties common to all attributes that can be used to retrieve information about them - Properties, Choices, and Size. These properties should be placed at the end of the attribute path, separated from the attribute by a colon (e.g., :Choices). The following table describes these properties.

The command with Properties, Choices or Size specified may nack if the property is not valid the for attribute.

PropertiesUse Properties to retrieve the currently defined values of all of the properties of the attribute. This includes items such as minimum and maximum values of the attribute, the dimension and unit of the attribute, etc.
ChoicesThe Choices property returns a list of all possible choices for non-Boolean attributes with specific arrays of values.
SizeThe Size property returns the number of rows in the attribute's list, for attributes that can have rows of values.

Use this command in conjunction with the Environment command which is used to set properties for a specific attribute.


Return the Environment attributes:

Environment_RM * GetValue

Return message

UserComment = STK RF Environment PropagationChannel = RF_Propagation_Channel PropagationChannel.UserComment = RF Propagation Channel PropagationChannel.UseCloudFogModel = false PropagationChannel.CloudFogModel = ITU_840-3 (Read-only) PropagationChannel.CloudFogModel.UserComment = ITU 840-3 (Read-only) PropagationChannel.CloudFogModel.CloudCeiling = 3000.00000000 m (Read-only) PropagationChannel.CloudFogModel.CloudLayerThickness = 500.00000000 m (Read-only) PropagationChannel.CloudFogModel.CloudTemp = 273.15000000 K (Read-only) PropagationChannel.CloudFogModel.CloudLiqWaterDensity = 7.50000000 g*m^-3 (Read-only) PropagationChannel.UseTropoScintModel = false PropagationChannel.TropoScintModel = ITU_618-8_Scintillation (Read-only) PropagationChannel.TropoScintModel.UserComment = ITU 618-8 Scintillation (Read-only) PropagationChannel.TropoScintModel.ComputeDeepFade = false (Read-only) PropagationChannel.TropoScintModel.FadeOutage = 0.00100000 unitValue (Read-only) PropagationChannel.TropoScintModel.PercentTimeRefracGrad = 0.10000000 unitValue (Read-only) PropagationChannel.TropoScintModel.SurfaceTemperature = 273.15000000 K (Read-only) PropagationChannel.UseRainModel = false PropagationChannel.RainModel = ITU-R_P618-10 (Read-only) PropagationChannel.RainModel.UserComment = ITU-R P618-10 rain model (Read-only) PropagationChannel.RainModel.SurfaceTemperature = 273.15000000 K (Read-only) PropagationChannel.UseAtmosAbsorptionModel = false PropagationChannel.AtmosAbsorptionModel = Simple_Satcom (Read-only) PropagationChannel.AtmosAbsorptionModel.UserComment = Simple Satcom gaseous absorption model (Read-only) PropagationChannel.AtmosAbsorptionModel.SurfaceTemperature = 293.15000000 K (Read-only) PropagationChannel.AtmosAbsorptionModel.WaterVaporConcentration = 7.50000000 g*m^-3 (Read-only) PropagationChannel.UseUrbanTerresPropLossModel = false PropagationChannel.UrbanTerresPropLossModel = Two_Ray (Read-only) PropagationChannel.UrbanTerresPropLossModel.UserComment = Two Ray (Fourth Power Law) atmospheric absorption model (Read-only) PropagationChannel.UrbanTerresPropLossModel.SurfaceTemperature = 273.15000000 K (Read-only) PropagationChannel.UrbanTerresPropLossModel.LossFactor = 1.000000 (Read-only) PropagationChannel.UseCustomA = false PropagationChannel.CustomA = Script_Plugin (Read-only) PropagationChannel.CustomA.UserComment = Atmospheric model script plugin (Read-only) PropagationChannel.CustomA.AtmosAbsorpScriptFile = <empty> (Read-only) PropagationChannel.UseCustomB = false PropagationChannel.CustomB = Script_Plugin (Read-only) PropagationChannel.CustomB.UserComment = Atmospheric model script plugin (Read-only) PropagationChannel.CustomB.AtmosAbsorpScriptFile = <empty> (Read-only) PropagationChannel.UseCustomC = false PropagationChannel.CustomC = Script_Plugin (Read-only) PropagationChannel.CustomC.UserComment = Atmospheric model script plugin (Read-only) PropagationChannel.CustomC.AtmosAbsorpScriptFile = <empty> (Read-only) EarthTemperature = 290.00000000 K RainOutagePercent = 0.100000 ActiveCommSystem = None


Return the value of the PropagationChannel.ComponentName attribute:

RFEnvironment_RM * GetValue PropagationChannel.ComponentName

Return message

PropagationChannel.ComponentName = RF_Propagation_Channel


Return the properties for the CloudCeiling attribute:

RFEnvironment_RM * GetValue PropagationChannel.CloudFogModel.CloudCeiling:Properties

Return message

PropagationChannel.CloudFogModel.CloudCeiling:Properties.Description = Cloud Ceiling (Read-only) PropagationChannel.CloudFogModel.CloudCeiling:Properties.ReadOnly = true PropagationChannel.CloudFogModel.CloudCeiling:Properties.class = QUANTITY PropagationChannel.CloudFogModel.CloudCeiling:Properties.Fixed = true = CloudCeiling PropagationChannel.CloudFogModel.CloudCeiling:Properties.Min = 0 m (Read-only) PropagationChannel.CloudFogModel.CloudCeiling:Properties.Max = 20000.00000000 (Read-only) PropagationChannel.CloudFogModel.CloudCeiling:Properties.Dimension = DistanceUnit PropagationChannel.CloudFogModel.CloudCeiling:Properties.Unit = m


Return the choices for the PropagationChannel.RainModel attribute:

RFEnvironment_RM * GetValue PropagationChannel.RainModel:Choices
Crane_1985 ITU-R_P618-10 Script_Plugin CCIR_1983 Crane_1982 ITU-R_P618-5 ITU-R_P618-8 ITU-R_P618-9

Set the rain model and rain outage attributes:

RFEnvironment * SetValue PropagationChannel.UseRainModel true RFEnvironment * SetValue PropagationChannel.RainModel ITU-R_P618-5 RFEnvironment * SetValue PropagationChannel.RainModel.SurfaceTemperature 78.6 degC

Return the values for the PropagationChannel.RainModel attribute:

RFEnvironment_RM * GetValue PropagationChannel.RainModel
PropagationChannel.RainModel = ITU-R_P618-5 PropagationChannel.RainModel.UserComment = ITU-R P618-5 rain model PropagationChannel.RainModel.Category = Previous Versions (Read-only) PropagationChannel.RainModel.SurfaceTemperature = 273.15000000 K

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

Deprecated Commands

