Description | Example | Return message | Group

Graphics ImageInlay

Set properties for an inlay image on a 2D Graphics window


Graphics <ScenarioPath> ImageInlay "<FilePath>" {ImageOption} <Value> [{ImageOption} <Value>...]

Related commands


The Graphics InlayImage command allows you to control the display of a specified image on a 2D Graphics window. In STK, images are registered in an Images list once you add them via the Images page of the 2D Graphics properties or this command. Regardless of the method in which the image is registered, the image name, file location and position in the 2D Graphics window when displayed is saved in STK. When an image is registered, STK creates a position file with the same name as the image file but with a .pos extension.

If the image has not been added to the STK Image list, the "<FilePath>" must be the fully qualified file path. If the image has already been added to the list (whether by the user interface or via Connect), "<FilePath>" can be simply the file name of the image.

"<FilePath>" can be the path to a file on your local drive or the path to a file on an SDF server. See Specifying Paths for "<SDFFilePath>" syntax information.

{ImageOption} <Value> pairs can be:

ShowOnDisplay the specified image. You can specify a ppm, bmp, or pdttx file.
OffHide the specified image.
TransparentOnUse the upper left corner pixel color as the transparent color for the image.

The Transparent option will be ignored for JPEG 2000, CIB, CADRG, and PDTTX images because transparency data is included in the image file and cannot be changed.

OffDo not use transparency in the image.
Position[<MinLat> <MinLon> <MaxLat> <MaxLon>]If the image is being registered for the first time and there is no associated position file, you'll also need to specify the position coordinates in degrees using the <MinLat> <MinLon> <MaxLat> <MaxLon> parameters. If the Image has already been added to the Image list, you don't need to specify the latitude and longitude position coordinates, as this information has already been saved with the image's position file (*.pos). Connect searches for the associated position file, and, if it is found, the image displays at the coordinates specified in that file. If Connect can't find the position file or no coordinates are specified, the position displays at minimum latitude -90.0, minimum longitude -180.0, maximum latitude 90.0, maximum longitude 180.0 by default.

If you enter latitude and longitude coordinates and a position file already exists, the coordinates entered are ignored.

The Position option is not valid with a pdttx file because position data is included in the image file and cannot be changed.

Translucency<Value>Enter a value between 0.0 and 100.0.
{MoveUp | MoveDown}N/AAdjust the display order of an image. Enter MoveUp to move the image up one position; enter MoveDown to move the image down one position.
RemoveN/ARemove the specified image.
WindowID<WinNumber>Enter the number of the 2D Graphics window to which the changes should be applied. If not entered, the first 2D Graphics window is used.


To display the AGILogo at minimum latitude -45.0, minimum longitude -90.0, maximum latitude 0.0, maximum longitude 0.0 on the first Map:

Graphics * ImageInlay "/tmp/AGILogo.bmp" Show On Position -45.0 -90.0 0.0 0.0 WindowID 1

To move the AGILogo up one position to be on top of the image it had been below, and set the translucency:

Graphics * ImageInlay "/tmp/AGILogo.bmp" MoveUp Translucency 20.0

To remove the AGILogo:

Graphics * ImageInlay "/tmp/AGILogo.bmp" Remove

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

2D Graphics Window

