Description | Example | Return message | Group

Graphics (Satellite Collection)

Set the graphics properties for a satellite collection.


Graphics <satCollectionPath> {GlobalOpts | SubsetGfx} {options}


This Graphics command enables you to control the display of a satellite collection in the 2D and 3D Graphics windows.

Global options

The following table describes the options (GlobalOpts) for setting the graphics parameters for the entire satellite collection.

Show {On | Off}Specify whether or not to show satellite collection graphics.
Show2d {On | Off}Specify whether or not to show the satellite collection in the 2D Graphics window.
Show3d {On | Off}Specify whether or not to show the satellite collection in the 3D Graphics window.
ShowMetaDataInPick {On | Off}When set to On, you can double-click any satellite in the collection in the 3D Graphics to show metadata.
OrbitSystem "<central body name>/<reference frame>"Specify the central body and reference frame type for the satellite collection.
OrbitLinesTimeStep <value>Specify the time step (in seconds) for updating the orbits of the satellite entries during animation.
OrbitLinesIntervalType {All | OnePeriod}If you select All, STK will display the orbit tracks of each entry in the 3D Graphics window for the entire extent of the ephemeris data available. If you select OnePeriod, STK will display one orbital period of orbit track per entry; half of an orbit before the current animation time and half after. If the available ephemeris does not cover all of one half or the other, STK will display whatever is available for that half. The default is OnePeriod.

Subset graphics options (SubsetGfx)

The following table describes the options for setting the graphics for subsets within a satellite collection.

Subset {AllSatellites | subsetName}Specify a satellite collection subset name for which to apply the graphics options. Choose AllSubsets to apply graphics options to all the subsets in the collection.
Show {On | Off}Specify whether or not to show the selected subset(s) in the graphics.
ShowMarkers {On | Off}Specify whether or not to show the marker that represents, in the graphics, the entities of the selected subset(s).
MarkerSize <value>Specify the size of the markers in the graphics.
ShowLabels {On | Off}Specify whether or not to show the names of the entities in the graphics for the selected subset(s).
ShowOrbits {On | Off}Specify whether or not to show the orbital paths of the entities in the graphics for the selected subset(s).
ColorSpecify the color to apply to all entries in the selected subset(s). For valid {Color} options, see Common Options.


Global option examples

Graphics */SatelliteCollection/SatelliteCollection1 GlobalOpts Show On
Graphics */SatelliteCollection/SatelliteCollection1 GlobalOpts OrbitSystem “CentralBody/Earth Inertial”
Graphics */SatelliteCollection/SatelliteCollection1 GlobalOpts OrbitLinesIntervalType OnePeriod

Subset graphics examples

Graphics */SatelliteCollection/SatelliteCollection1 SubsetGfx Subset AllSatellites Show On
Graphics */SatelliteCollection/SatelliteCollection1 SubsetGfx Subset Plane_1 Color green
Graphics */SatelliteCollection/SatelliteCollection1 SubsetGfx Subset Shell_2 ShowOrbits On

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

2D Object Graphics



VO Window

