Description | Example | Return message | Group


Return information about map annotations.


MapAnnotation_RM <ScenarioPath> {Option} [WindowID <WinNumber>]

Related commands


The MapAnnotation_RM command will return a list containing information about map annotations. Specify WindowID <WinNumber> to return map annotations for a specific 2d map window.

The following information is returned for each annotation:

<idNumber>, {AnnotationType}, <color>, {PointType}, <first x/lat>, <first y/lon> [, <text>]

The value returned for {AnnotationType} can be Text, Polygon, Line, or Marker. <color> is returned in hexadecimal format. The value returned for {PointType} can be LL, Pixel, XY, or Pixel%. <text> is only returned for Text annotations, and will return up to 30 characters.

If {PointType} is LL then the first <lat>, <lon> values are returned in Connect latitude and longitude units, respectively. For other {PointType} values the first <x>, <y> values are returned.

The returned annotation list is ordered by annotation type.

The following table describes the {Option} values.

AllReturn all annotations.
TextReturn only Text annotations.
PolygonReturn only Polygon annotations.
LineReturn only Line annotations.
MarkerReturn only Marker annotations.
ID <idNumber>Return only the annotation matching the <idNumber>.


Return a list of all map annotations for 2d map window 1:

MapAnnotation_RM * All

Return message

1, Text, #ff0000, Pixel, 40, 80, Red Team 2, Text, #0000ff, XY, 10.000000, 50.000000, Scenario start here. 15, Line, #ffffff, LL, 45.000000, -76.000000 3, Marker, #ffff00, Pixel%, 33.000000, 50.000000 14, Marker, #00ff00, Pixel, 10, 50 16, Polygon, #00ffff, LL -40.000000, 0.000000


Return the map annotation with the ID number 15:

MapAnnotation_RM * ID 15

Return message

15, Line, #ffffff, LL, 45.000000, -76.000000

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

2D Graphics Window

