Description | Example | Return message | Group


Control the graphical attributes of the 2D Graphics window


MapAttribs <ScenarioPath> {AttributeType} {Attribute} {State} [<Color>]


The MapAttribs command allows you to control the display of images and terrain data in the 2D Graphics window as well as the display of the current animation time. {AttributeType} can be Display or ScenTime. {Attribute} and {State} depend on the {AttributeType} specified.

DisplayImageExtents{On | Off}
ImageFileNames{On | Off}
TerrainRegions{On | Off}
ScenTimeDisplay{On | Off} [{Color}]
Background{On | Off} [{Color}]
XY<x> <y>

Set the percent translucency of the text. <Value> can be between 0.0 and 100.0


Set the percent translucency of the background. <Value> can be between 0.0 and 100.0

For valid {Color} options see Common Options.


To turn On the display of the animation time and set its color to blue when it displays in the 2D Graphics window:

MapAttribs * ScenTime Display On Blue

To set the translucency of the animation time text to 50%:

MapAttribs * ScenTime TextTranslucency 50

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

2D Graphics Window
