Description | Example | Return message | Group

MapGraphics Fonts

Set the font styles to be used on the 2D Graphics window


MapGraphics <ScenarioPath> Fonts [{Small | Medium | Large}] {FontOptions}

Related commands


The MapGraphics Fonts command allows you to set the styles and display options used for the fonts on the 2D Graphics Map window.

This table describes the {FontOptions}, at least one {FontOptions} pair must be included in the command.

Face "<FaceName>"Indicate the font face name, for example "Times New Roman" or "Arial".

You can also include the {Small | Medium | Large} selection for this {FontOption}. If not included the Medium font will be modified.

Size <Size>Indicate the size of the font, Valid values are: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 36, 48, 72.

You can also include the {Small | Medium | Large} selection for this {FontOption}. If not included the Medium font will be modified.

Bold {On | Off}Turn on or off bold for the font.

You can also include the {Small | Medium | Large} selection for this {FontOption}. If not included the Medium font will be modified.

Italic {On | Off}Turn on or off italic for the font.

You can also include the {Small | Medium | Large} selection for this {FontOption}. If not included the Medium font will be modified.

OutlineStyle {None | Thin | Thick}Specify the appearance of an outline for the font. This option will effect all font types (Small, Medium and Large).
OutlineColor {Color}Specify the color for the font outline.

This option will effect all font types (Small, Medium and Large). For valid {Color} options see Common Options.


Set the Small map graphics font to size 12, with bold on:

MapGraphics * Fonts Small Size 12 Bold On

Set the Medium map graphics font to size 16, with bold off, italic on and font face of Verdana:

MapGraphics * Fonts Medium Size 16 Bold Off Italic On Face "Verdana"

Set the outline style and color for fonts used on the 2D Map:

MapGraphics * Fonts OutlineStyle Thin OutlineColor red

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

2D Graphics Window

