Description | Example | Return message | Group


Returns diagnostics concerning the evaluation of access constraints for a pair of objects at specified times.


To Create/Remove: OnePointAccess <FromObjectPath> <ToObjectPath> {Option}

where {Option} is Create or Remove

To Compute: OnePointAccess <FromObjectPath> <ToObjectPath> {Option} [<Parameters>]


OnePointAccess provides a diagnostic capability for evaluating Access constraints at specified times. Like Access, OnePointAccess combines the Access constraints from each STK object to create an access constraint list that will be evaluated. Unlike Access, OnePointAccess provides values and satisfaction status at the specified times, not satisfaction intervals wherein the constraints are all satisfied.

First, you must create the OnePointAccess using OnePointAccess <FromObjectPath> <ToObjectPath> Create. When you complete your computations, delete the OnePointAccess by using OnePointAccess <FromObjectPath> <ToObjectPath> Remove.

In each case, a response indicating the specified action will be returned on success.




[{SummaryOption}] [{TimeInterval} [<StepSize>]] [OutputFile "<FilePath>"]Once created, the OnePointAccess can be computed in a variety of ways, returning a specified level of detail in the results. When a time or time interval is not specified, evaluation occurs at the current animation time. Specifying a single time point will evaluate at that time. When a TimeInterval and StepSize are specified, then an array of results are computed, sampling at the constant stepsize within the interval.

Each time you compute OnePointAccess, you will generate a set of results. The first line of the output includes the time (in UTCG format) and a satisfaction result. The satisfaction result is either Yes or No. It returns 'Yes' if all the constraints are met; or it returns 'No' if any of the constraints are not met. Nothing more is returned if the SummaryOption is set to ResultOnly. Otherwise, the next lines contain information about the evaluation of each of the access constraints in the access constraints list.

An evaluation line outputs: ObjectPathOfConstraintOwner ConstraintName Status Value. Status is either: Ok (indicating the constraint is satisfied at this time) or the reason for the constraint violation (Min, Max, Zero, Logical, InclusionInterval, ExclusionInterval). The Value is reported in internal units.

When the SummaryOption is DetailedSummary, every constraint is evaluated and its satus returned, even when an earlier constraint was not satisfied. When the SummaryOption is FastSummary, the first constraint that is not satisfied will output the rest of the constraint evaluation lines for that result set.

You can use OnePointAccess to efficiently compute the first MaxNumberToFind Access intervals, each being longer than MinDuration, during a specified TimeInterval. In this case, the returned response is a list of satisfaction intervals and their duration.

FirstSatisfaction{TimeInterval} <MaxNumberToFind> <MinDuration>FirstSatisfaction capability finds the first N access intervals (with N specified by <MaxNumberToFind>) whose spans are longer than the <MinDuration> specified, computed over the {TimeInterval}.

The returned response is a list of satisfaction intervals and their duration. This is computed more efficiently than computing all the access intervals over the specified interval and only returning a subset. Moreover, these intervals do not persist like the satsifaction intervals do for an Access object.

The {TimeInterval} is required.

Valid values for {SummaryOption} are: ResultOnly, FastSummary, DetailedSummary. If you enter "none", then FastSummary will be returned.If you enter ResultOnly, then OnePointAccess will return a Yes or No, indicating if access was found at the current animation time or the specified time. FastSummary and DetailedSummary will also return information about each constraint that is evaluated.

The access will be evaluated at the current animation time, unless a time option is entered. For valid {TimeInterval} values, see Time Options. You can enter a single time to evaluate access at a single point. If you enter a start and stop time, or if you enter a time interval, you will compute access over that specified time period. For a specified time period, you must also enter the <StepSize> in seconds.

Include the OutputFile "<FilePath>" to have the access information written to a file, instead of to the screen.

When using the FastSummary or DetailedSummary options, The returned values are the constraint values at the time indicated. If the constraint has units, these values are returned in internal units. For example, if the Elevation Angle constraint is turned on, the returned value is in radians. If the Range constraint is turned on, the value returned for this constraint is in meters. To find the Dimension for a particular constraint for an object, create an All Constraints report for that Object. That reports on the Dimension for each constraint (but it's not a shipped Style).

If constraints are changed for either object, the OnePointAccess must be Removed and Created again.

If more than one optional value is entered with the OnePointAccess command, you must entered the values in the order given in the format.

The <MaxNumberToFind> parameter is optional. The default value is 1.

The <MinDuration> parameter is optional and is entered in seconds. The default value is 0.0.


To create a one point access between Sat1 and Fac1:

OnePointAccess */Satellite/Sat1 */Facility/Fac1 Create

Return message

I Return entry 1:

I OnePointAccess for Satellite/Sat1 to Facility/Fac1 has been created.


Return a FastSummary for the access over the input time period with a 240 second step size:

OnePointAccess */Satellite/Sat1 */Facility/Fac1 Compute "27 Oct 2004 00:50:00.00" "27 Oct 2004 01:10:00.00" 240

Return message

I Return entry 1:

I 27 Oct 2004 00:50:00.000 Yes

I Return entry 2:

I Satellite/Sat1 Range Ok 1.052392421574e+007

I Return entry 3:

I Facility/Fac1 LineOfSight Ok 9.434670144216e-001

I Return entry 4:

I 27 Oct 2004 00:54:00.000 Yes

I Return entry 5:

I Satellite/Sat1 Range Ok 1.093366285548e+007

I Return entry 6:

I Facility/Fac1 LineOfSight Ok 9.217866614886e-001

I Return entry 7:

I 27 Oct 2004 00:58:00.000 Yes

I Return entry 8:

I Satellite/Sat1 Range Ok 1.132176383687e+007

I Return entry 9:

I Facility/Fac1 LineOfSight Ok 8.979022214201e-001

I Return entry 10:

I 27 Oct 2004 01:02:00.000 Yes

I Return entry 11:

I Satellite/Sat1 Range Ok 1.168658415973e+007

I Return entry 12:

I Facility/Fac1 LineOfSight Ok 8.723200019068e-001

I Return entry 13:

I 27 Oct 2004 01:06:00.000 No

I Return entry 14:

I Satellite/Sat1 Range Max 1.202701569636e+007

I Return entry 15:

I 27 Oct 2004 01:10:00.000 No

I Return entry 16:

I Satellite/Sat1 Range Max 1.234234337131e+007


To remove the one point access between Sat1 and Fac1:

OnePointAccess */Satellite/Sat1 */Facility/Fac1 Remove

Return message

I Return entry 1:

I OnePointAccess for Satellite/Sat1 to Facility/Fac1 has been removed.

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

Object Tools
