Description | Example | Return message | Group


Authorize STK Desktop or custom engine applications to access resources stored in STK Data Federate or Geospatial Content Server


PersonalAccessToken / {Authenticate|Request} {Options}


The PersonalAccessToken command enables you to authorize STK Desktop or custom engine applications to access resources stored in STK Data Federate or Geospatial Content Server. You must use the token at least once every 30 days (adjustable by an identity server administrator) to keep it active. You can manually revoke a token. An identity server administrator can set an expiration for the token. If the administrator does not set an expiration, the token will continue to exist indefinitely, assuming use at least once every 30 days.

Options for Authenticate using personal access tokens

FromFile {filepath}The path is to the file containing previously created personal access tokens.

Options for Request of a personal access token

SEDS {url}You must supply a well-formed URL to an STK Enterprise Data Services (SEDS) service, e.g., To get the SEDS Server URL, see SEDS Details.
Service {SDF|GCS}Specify the server on which the user is requesting a personal access token for access: either SDF or GCS.
ToFile {filepath}The path is to the storage location for the personal access token(s).


Request a personal access token for the public GCS server

PersonalAccessToken / Request SEDS Service GCS ToFile "C:my.personalaccesstokens"

Request a personal access token for the public SDF server

PersonalAccessToken / Request SEDS Service SDF ToFile "C:my.personalaccesstokens"

Authorize the application using previously created tokens

PersonalAccessToken / Authenticate FromFile "C:\my.personalaccesstokens"

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

Application Options

