Description | Example | Return message | Group


Set and modify properties for radar clutter.


RadarClutter <ObjectPath> SetValue <AttributePath> <Value> [<Unit>]

Related commands

This command is DEPRECATED and has been replaced by:



The RadarClutter command allows you to define clutter properties of a radar's target object.

The <AttributePath> specifies the attribute to be set or modified. Use the RadarClutter_RM GetValue command to return a list of attributes, or the properties and choices for a specific attribute.

The SetValue option is used to set the <AttributePath> to the <Value>. Include the <Unit> if specifying a numeric value in a unit other than the internal unit for the attribute.

Use this command in conjunction with the RadarClutter_RM command, which will return a list of attributes, or the properties and choices for a specific attribute.

Use the Graphics (Radar) command with the Access Clutter option to turn on or off the clutter display.


Use the RadarClutter_RM GetValue command to get the current RadarClutter values:

RadarClutter_RM */Facility/Facility1 GetValue
UserComment = STK Radar Clutter Extension Inherit = true

Use the RadarClutter command with the SetValue option to set the Inherit attribute to false, and to set the ClutterMap coefficient:

RadarClutter */Facility/Facility1 SetValue Inherit False
RadarClutter */Facility/Facility1 SetValue ClutterMap.ClutterCoefficient 2.0 dB

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

Deprecated Commands

