Description | Example | Return message | Group


Set, add and remove properties for a receiver.


Receiver <RcObjectPath> {Options} <AttributePath> [<Value>] [<Unit>]

Related commands


The Receiver command allows you to define the basic properties of the specified receiver. This command replaces the Comm Define (Receiver) command, which has been deprecated.

Valid values for {Options} are SetValue, AddItem, RemoveItem, AddObject, RemoveObject.

The <AttributePath> specifies the attribute to be set, added to or removed from. Use the Receiver_RM GetValue command to return a list of attributes, or the properties and choices for a specific attribute.

The <Value> parameter is entered if {Options} is SetValue, RemoveItem, AddObject, or RemoveObject.

The following table further describes the {Options}.

SetValueUse to set the <AttributePath> to the <Value>. Include the <Unit> if specifying a numeric value in a unit other than the currently set unit for the attribute.
AddItemUsed to add an additional item to a list that is pointed to by <AttributePath>. If the <AttributePath> does not point to a list, this command returns NACK.
RemoveItemUsed to remove an item from the list pointed to by <AttributePath> and the given index specified in <Value>. The index values begin at 0.
AddObjectUsed to add an object to a list of objects that is pointed to by <AttributePath>. The <Value> is the truncated path of the object to be added.
RemoveObjectUsed to remove an object from the list of objects pointed to by <AttributePath>. The <Value> is the truncated path of the object to be removed.

Use this command in conjunction with the Receiver_RM command, which will return a list of attributes, or the properties and choices for a specific attribute.

To set the rain model options for receivers, you must first turn on the UseRainModel attribute using the Environment command.


Use the Receiver_RM GetValue command to get the current Receiver values:

Receiver_RM */Facility/Facility1/Receiver/Receiver1 GetValue
UserComment = STK Receiver Object Model = Simple_Receiver_Model Model.UserComment = Simple model of a receiver Model.AutoSelectDemodulator = true Model.UseFilter = false Model.AutoScaleBandwidth = true Model.PreReceiveGainsLosses.GainLossList (Empty List) Model.PreReceiveGainsLosses.TotalGain = 1.00000000 units (Read-only) Model.PreDemodGainsLosses.GainLossList (Empty List) Model.PreDemodGainsLosses.TotalGain = 1.00000000 units (Read-only) Model.EnableLinkMargin = false Model.GOverT = 100.00000000 units*K^-1 Model.UsePolarization = false Model.FrequencyAutoTracking = true Model.AntennaGain = 1.00000000 units (Read-only)

Set the Receiver Model.UseFilter attribute to true:

Receiver */Facility/Facility1/Receiver/Receiver1 SetValue Model.UseFilter true

Use the Receiver_RM GetValue command to get the values of the Filter:

Receiver_RM */Facility/Facility1/Receiver/Receiver1 GetValue Model.Filter
Model.Filter = Butterworth Model.Filter.UserComment = General form of nth order Butterworth filter with fat passband and stopband regions Model.Filter.LowerBandwidthLimit = -20000000.00000000 Hz Model.Filter.UpperBandwidthLimit = 20000000.00000000 Hz Model.Filter.InsertionLoss = 1.00000000 units Model.Filter.Bandwidth = 40000000.00000000 Hz (Read-only) Model.Filter.Order = 4 Model.Filter.CutoffFrequency = 10000000.00000000 Hz

Set the upper and lower bandwidth limit values for the filter:

Receiver */Facility/Facility1/Receiver/Receiver1 SetValue Model.Filter.LowerBandwidthLimit -0.018 GHz Receiver */Facility/Facility1/Receiver/Receiver1 SetValue Model.Filter.UpperBandwidthLimit 0.01865 GHz


To set the Receiver's Model to Laser, and then modify the Propagation Loss Model attributes:

First use the Receiver_RM GetValue command, specifying the Model attribute with the Choices option to get the names of available Receiver models:

Receiver_RM */Satellite/GEO/Receiver/TstRc2 GetValue Model:Choices
Cable_Receiver_Model Complex_Receiver_Model Laser_Receiver_Model Medium_Receiver_Model Multibeam_Receiver_Model Script_Plugin_Laser_Receiver_Model Script_Plugin_RF_Receiver_Model Simple_Receiver_Model

Use the Receiver SetValue command to set the model:

Receiver */Satellite/GEO/Receiver/TstRc2 SetValue Model Laser_Receiver_Model

To enable the Receiver's Propagation Loss Model:

Receiver */Satellite/GEO/Receiver/TstRc2 SetValue Model.EnablePropagationLossModel true

To add three Layers to the Receiver's Propagation Loss Model, to make a total of 4 layers (note: one layer has been added by default):

Receiver */Satellite/GEO/Receiver/TstRc2 AddItem Model.PropagationLossModel.LayerList Receiver */Satellite/GEO/Receiver/TstRc2 AddItem Model.PropagationLossModel.LayerList Receiver */Satellite/GEO/Receiver/TstRc2 AddItem Model.PropagationLossModel.LayerList

Use the Receiver_RM GetValue command, specifying the Model.PropagationLossModel attribute:

Receiver_RM */Satellite/GEO/Receiver/TstRc2 GetValue Model.PropagationLossModel
Model.PropagationLossModel = Beer-Bouguer-Lambert_Law Model.PropagationLossModel.UserComment = Model atmospheric loss for laser receivers using the Beer-Bouguer-Lambert Law Model.PropagationLossModel.LayerList[0].LayerNum = 4 (Read-only) Model.PropagationLossModel.LayerList[0].LayerTop = 100000.00000000 m (Read-only) Model.PropagationLossModel.LayerList[0].ExtinctionCoefficient = 0 m^-1 Model.PropagationLossModel.LayerList[1].LayerNum = 3 (Read-only) Model.PropagationLossModel.LayerList[1].LayerTop = 75000.00000000 m (Read-only) Model.PropagationLossModel.LayerList[1].ExtinctionCoefficient = 0 m^-1 Model.PropagationLossModel.LayerList[2].LayerNum = 2 (Read-only) Model.PropagationLossModel.LayerList[2].LayerTop = 50000.00000000 m (Read-only) Model.PropagationLossModel.LayerList[2].ExtinctionCoefficient = 0 m^-1 Model.PropagationLossModel.LayerList[3].LayerNum = 1 (Read-only) Model.PropagationLossModel.LayerList[3].LayerTop = 25000.00000000 m (Read-only) Model.PropagationLossModel.LayerList[3].ExtinctionCoefficient = 0 m^-1 Model.PropagationLossModel.EnableEvenlySpacedHeights = true Model.PropagationLossModel.MaxLayerHeight = 100000.00000000 m Model.PropagationLossModel.MinLayerHeight = 0 m

To set the Coefficient values for Layer 1 and Layer 4 the list is accessed via an index, and begins at 0. Note that the layers are in reverse order. Layer 4 is at index 0, Layer 1 is at index 3.

Receiver */Satellite/GEO/Receiver/TstRc2 SetValue Model.PropagationLossModel.LayerList[3].ExtinctionCoefficient 2.51e-8 Receiver */Satellite/GEO/Receiver/TstRc2 SetValue Model.PropagationLossModel.LayerList[0].ExtinctionCoefficient 2.54e-8

To remove the third item from the LayerList (index 2):

Receiver */Satellite/GEO/Receiver/TstRc2 RemoveItem Model.PropagationLossModel.LayerList 2


On a Complex Receiver, whose Antenna is defined as Phased Array, enable and add two objects to the BeamDirectionProvider list:

Receiver */Aircraft/Aircraft1/Receiver/RcvrPA1 SetValue Model.Antenna.AntennaControl.BeamDirectionProvider.Enabled true
Receiver */Aircraft/Aircraft1/Receiver/RcvrPA1 AddObject Model.Antenna.AntennaControl.BeamDirectionProvider.Directions Facility/Facility1/Radar/Radar2
Receiver */Aircraft/Aircraft1/Receiver/RcvrPA1 AddObject Model.Antenna.AntennaControl.BeamDirectionProvider.Directions Satellite/Satellite1/Radar/Radar1

To see the BeamDirectionProvider list:

Receiver_RM */Aircraft/Aircraft1/Receiver/RcvrPA1 GetValue Model.Antenna.AntennaControl.BeamDirectionProvider
Model.Antenna.AntennaControl.BeamDirectionProvider = Object Model.Antenna.AntennaControl.BeamDirectionProvider.Enabled = true Model.Antenna.AntennaControl.BeamDirectionProvider.Directions[0] = Facility/Facility1/Radar/Radar2 Model.Antenna.AntennaControl.BeamDirectionProvider.Directions[1] = Satellite/Satellite1/Radar/Radar1

To get the size of the Antenna's BeamDirectionProvider.Directions list:

Receiver_RM */Aircraft/Aircraft1/Receiver/RcvrPA1 GetValue Model.Antenna.AntennaControl.BeamDirectionProvider.Directions:Size
Model.Antenna.AntennaControl.BeamDirectionProvider.Directions:Size = 2

To remove the first object from the BeamDirectionProvider.Directions list:

Receiver */Aircraft/Aircraft1/Receiver/RcvrPA1 RemoveObject Model.Antenna.AntennaControl.BeamDirectionProvider.Directions Facility/Facility1/Radar/Radar2

To get the size of the Antenna's BeamDirectionProvider.Directions list:

Receiver_RM */Aircraft/Aircraft1/Receiver/RcvrPA1 GetValue Model.Antenna.AntennaControl.BeamDirectionProvider.Directions:Size
Model.Antenna.AntennaControl.BeamDirectionProvider.Directions:Size = 1

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):


