Set values and perform other functions for RF Channel Modeler.
RfChannelModeler [<Option>]
Related commands
For the RF Channel Modeler, use this command to do the following: set values for attributes, add or remove items, and trigger analysis computations. The following options are available:
Option | Description |
SetValue <AttributePath> <Value> | Enter a value for the attribute specified by AttributePath. |
AddItem <listAttributePath> | This adds a new item (Analysis, Transceiver, etc.) to the current list in the RF Channel Modeler instantiation. If you do not provide a valid <listAttributePath>, the command will return as Not Acknowledged. |
RemoveItem <listAttributePath> <Zero-basedIndex> | This removes the item (Analysis, Transceiver, etc.), specified by the zero-based index number, from the current list in the RF Channel Modeler instantiation. If you do not provide a valid <listAttributePath>, the command will return as Not Acknowledged. |
Compute Analysis <AnalysisName> ResultsFolder <ResultsFolder> | Triggers the RF Channel Modeler to compute the analysis that you name. This command uses keyword-value pairs. You must provide an analysis name after the keyword Analysis. If that name contains spaces, you must wrap the name in double quotes. For the ResultsFolder keyword, you the path to the results folder, and if this path name has spaces, it must also be wrapped in double quotes. |
Add a transceiver with an HFSS EEP antenna to a Sensor object attached to a Place object in the STK scenario
RfChannelModeler * AddItem TransceiverList
RfChannelModeler * SetValue TransceiverList[0].PlatformObject Place/P1/Sensor/S1
RfChannelModeler * SetValue TransceiverList[0].Name S1_TxRx
RfChannelModeler * SetValue TransceiverList[0].Antenna "Element Export Pattern"
RfChannelModeler * SetValue TransceiverList[0].Antenna.HfssElementExportPatternFile "C:\users\jdoe\Documents\STK 12\RFCM Files\My_EEP_File.txt"
Add a second transceiver with an HFSS FFD antenna to a Sensor object attached to a Ground Vehicle object in the STK scenario
RfChannelModeler * AddItem TransceiverList
RfChannelModeler * SetValue TransceiverList[1].PlatformObject GroundVehicle/GV1/Sensor/S2
RfChannelModeler * SetValue TransceiverList[1].Name S2_TxRx
RfChannelModeler * SetValue TransceiverList[1].Antenna "Far Field Data Pattern"
RfChannelModeler * SetValue TransceiverList[1].Antenna.HfssFarFieldDataPatternFile "C:\users\jdoe\Documents\STK 12\RFCM Files\3.5GHz_Dipole_V.ffd"
Set the analysis compute time parameters for the first Analysis Configuration
RfChannelModeler * SetValue AnalysisConfigurationList[0].UseScenarioAnalysisInterval false
RfChannelModeler * SetValue AnalysisConfigurationList[0].IntervalStart 0
RfChannelModeler * SetValue AnalysisConfigurationList[0].IntervalStop 30
RfChannelModeler * SetValue AnalysisConfigurationList[0].ComputeStepMode Continuous Channel Soundings
Set analysis extent parameters for the first Analysis Configuration
RfChannelModeler * SetValue AnalysisConfigurationList[0].AnalysisExtent.North 0.69884614 rad
RfChannelModeler * SetValue AnalysisConfigurationList[0].AnalysisExtent.South 0.69878301 rad
RfChannelModeler * SetValue AnalysisConfigurationList[0].AnalysisExtent.East -1.31935748 rad
RfChannelModeler * SetValue AnalysisConfigurationList[0].AnalysisExtent.West -1.31943372 rad
Remove the first Analysis Configuration
RfChannelModeler * RemoveItem AnalysisConfigurationList 0
Example of running an analysis configuration
RfChannelModeler * Compute Analysis "My Analysis" ResultsFolder "C:\users\jdoe\Documents\STK 12\RF Channel Modeler\Analysis Results"
Group membership
This command belongs to the following group(s):