Description | Example | Return message | Group

VO OpenGLInitParms

Provide support for advanced 3D viewing options


VO <ApplicationPath> OpenGLInitParms {Options} <Parameters>


The VO OpenGLInitParms command allows you set set the options that provide support for advanced 3D viewing.

The following table describes these options.

SupportAntiAliasing {On | Off}Turn this option On to smooth jagged edges for projects such as creating poster images or to create clean images for use in high-quality presentations.
SupportStereo {On | Off}Enter On to allow 3D stereo viewing.
UsePBufferIfAvailable {On | Off}If this option is turned on then STK renders the contents of the selected 3D window offscreen in a pixel buffer (pbuffer) before rendering it to the 3D window or image.
NumStencilBits <Value>Enter an integer value greater or equal to than 0. If the number entered is non-zero, STK will attempt to allocate a stencil buffer with the specified bit depth. The default value is 8.
TextUseTextures {On | Off}If enabled, OpenGL textures, rather than standard OpenGL fonts, are used for fonts.
TextAntiAlias {On | Off}Turn on this option to smooth fonts by removing jagged edges.
ForceMdlModels {On | Off} If this option is turned on then, when loading or creating an object, Collada (.dae) and glTF (.gltf, .glb) files will be replaced with the default MDL (.mdl) 3D model file for the object.

The keyword ColladaModelsDisabled is deprecated in STK 11.5. Use ForceMdlModels instead.


VO / OpenGLInitParms NumStencilBits 4
VO / OpenGLInitParms SupportStereo On
VO / OpenGLInitParms TextUseTextures On TextAntiAlias On

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

Application Options


VO Window

