Astrogator RPOLoad

This command initiates the ingestion of Astrogator RPO sequences, supporting calculation objects and a few other components into the Component Browser. This loading process also brings several satellites into your scenario. Since RPO work involves activities of one satellite with respect to another, all these support objects interact with one another. The RPO support objects reflect interdependencies, and you should keep this behavior in mind when working with the reference/template satellites.


Astrogator <ScenarioPath> RPOLoad <Python>


There are no attributes or values for this command. Add the Python option to the end of the command if you want to load RPO sequences in Python. Otherwise, STK will default to loading the sequences in VBScript.

You must have and STK scenario loaded for this command to work, and you can execute it only once during an active STK session. In other words, after STK loads the RPO components into the Component Browser, you are not allowed to reload these components. Closing STK before saving the scenario unloads the components from the Component Browser. However, if you save a scenario after loading the RPO components, STK will automatically reload the components when you reload that scenario. In such circumstances, this Connect command is then disallowed.


Loading RPO sequences in VBScript

Astrogator * RPOLoad

Loading RPO sequences in Python

Astrogator * RPOLoad Python