Data Provider Elements

Apparent Heliocentric Classical Elements

Classical osculating orbital elements, sometimes referred to as Keplerian elements, for the apparent position and velocity of a planet, computed with respect to the Sun's inertial coordinate system (i.e., Sun centered ICRF System).

Available for these objects: Planet

Type: Time-varying data.

Availability: Reports | Graphs | Dynamic Displays | Strip Charts

Data Provider Elements

TimeDateReal Number or TextTime.
Semi-major AxisDistanceReal NumberA measure of the size of the orbit. Orbits with eccentricity <1 are ellipses, with major and minor axes identifying the symmetry axes of the ellipse, the major axis being the longer one. The value is half the length of the major axis.
EccentricityUnitlessReal NumberA measure of the shape of the orbit. Values <1 indicate an ellipse (where zero is a circular orbit) and values >1 indicate a hyperbola.
InclinationAngleReal Number or TextThe angle between the orbit plane and the XY plane of the coordinate system.
RAANLongitudeReal Number or TextThe angle in the XY plane from the X axis to the ascending node, measured in a right-handed sense about the Z axis. in the equatorial plane. For equatorial orbits, the ascending node is defined to be directed along the positive X axis, and thus the value is 0.0.
Arg of PerigeeAngleReal Number or TextThe angle from the ascending node to the periapsis vector measured in the orbit plane in the direction of the object's motion. The periapsis vector locates the closest point of the orbit. For a circular orbit, the value is defined to be zero (i.e., periapsis at the ascending node).
True AnomalyAngleReal Number or TextThe angle from the periapsis vector, measured in the orbit plane in the direction of motion, to the position vector.
Mean AnomalyAngleReal Number or TextA measure of the time past periapsis passing, expressed as an angle.