Data Provider Elements

VDF Summary

A summary of the files which were included or could have been included in the VDF. Does not include STK object files. Only valid for scenarios that have been loaded into STK via VDFs. Provides information about what is different between the files that were in use at the time the scenario was Authored, compared to the file that the current user has.

Available for these objects: Scenario

Type: Fixed data.

Availability: Reports

Data Provider Elements

File NameUnitlessTextName of the file.
Included in VDFUnitlessTextBoolean value, "Y" or "N". Indicates if this file was included in the VDF.
File TypeUnitlessTextClassification for Authoring purposes.
Author's LocationUnitlessTextLocation of this file when the VDF was Authored. Valid values are "Install", "User Data", "Custom", and "Scenario".
Author's VersionUnitlessTextVersion of the file used when VDF was Authored.
User's LocationUnitlessTextCurrent user's location. Valid values are "Install", "User Data", "Custom", and "Scenario".
User's VersionUnitlessTextCurrent file version.