Opening a Schedule File
To open a previously save schedule file, including all of its resources and tasks select File ->Open from the STK Scheduler Menu Bar or use the button on the Tool Bar. The Open Schedule File Form will appear with the default directory set in the Look in combobox at the top of the window. If this isn't the directory of interest, change directories by clicking the
button to the right of the Look in combobox and then select the correct directory. Choose the proper schedule and click the Open button. STK Scheduler is ready to use when the hourglass icon disappears.
Opening a Recently Opened Schedule File
To open a recently opened schedule file, navigate to File -> Recently Opened Files from the Menu Bar, then select the desired file from the pop-over menu.
Schedule files saved under older versions of STK Scheduler may require a format change to work with the current version of the software. This format change is performed automatically by the software, but you are warned that this will cause the schedule file to be incompatible with older versions of the software (you may click OK to continue or CANCEL to abort the conversion).
Open Schedule File Form
The open schedule file form allows you to specify an existing schedule file to open.
Open Schedule File Form
Look in Combobox
The look in combobox allows you to select the folder that contains a schedule file to be opened. By clicking the button, you can quickly choose from the various storage areas available to the host system. Once a storage area choice is made, the main list view will be populated with any folders or files contained within that storage area.
Go To Last Folder Visited Button
By clicking the button, you can quickly return to the last folder that populated the main list view. Note that this button only becomes active once the folder that populates the main list view is changed.
Up One Level Button
By clicking the button, you can view the contents of a parent folder.
Create New Folder Button
By clicking the button, you can create a new folder within the current folder.
View Menu Button
By clicking the button, you can select the format of the main list view area. The choices for viewing are:
- Large Icons - displays folders and files depicted by large size icons.
- Small Icons - displays folders and files depicted by small size icons.
- List (shown) - displays folders and files depicted by small icons and shown in a list format.
- Details - displays folders and files depicted by small icons, shown in a list format, with detailed data about each file and folder. The detailed data appears as additional columns added to the list. The title of each column appears in a header at the top of the list view. The header may be manipulated in several ways to organize the way in which the folder contents are displayed:
- Each column may be used to sort the list in ascending or descending alphabetical order by clicking on the header once or twice.
- The order in which the columns appear may be changed by dragging a column header to a new position.
- The width of any column may be changed by dragging the bar that separates the column header from the next column header to the right and changing its position.
- The detailed information displayed may be modified by right clicking anywhere in the header and selecting the properties to display.
- Thumbnails - display-es folders and files as thumbnail previews. For files that are not graphical in nature, only their icons will be displayed.
Navigation Buttons
The navigation button, located on the left side of the form, can be used to quickly navigate to a new storage area. Clicking on a button causes the storage area to appear in the Look in textbox.
Main List View
The main list view displays the contents of the currently selected folder. The types of files displayed are subject to filtering using the Files OF Type combobox. The manner in which the files and folders are displayed are subject to the selected view chosen using the View Menu Button. There are several functions that are available from the main list view not matter what the display format is.
These are:
- Clicking on an icon or on the file or folder name causes that file or folder to become selected. If the deleted object is a file, the file name will appear in the File Name Combobox.
- Clicking on a file or folder name of a selected object allows the name to be modified.
- Double clicking on an icon or the file or folder name causes the file or folder to open. If the selected object is a folder, the Look in textbox will change to the selected file and the list view will be populated with the contents of the folder. If the selected object is an STK Scheduler file, the Open Schedule File form will close and STK Scheduler will open a display of the file contents.
- Pressing the Delete key will cause a selected file or folder to be deleted.
File Name Combobox
The file name combobox allows you to specify the name of the schedule file to open. The name may be entered in by manually typing the file name into the combobox, by selecting the file from the main list view, or by clicking the button and selecting a file.
If the file name is manually typed into the combobox, the file extension (.ssc) need not be included.
Files Of Type Combobox
The files of type combobox gives you the ability to display only files with specific extensions. As a default, STK Scheduler will display only files with the .ssc extension. To change the filtering type, you may choose from the available selections using the button.
Open Button
Clicking the Open button causes a selected file or folder to open. If the selected object is a folder, the Look In textbox will change to the selected file and the list view will be populated with the contents of the folder. If the selected object is an STK Scheduler file, the Open Schedule File Form will close and STK Scheduler will open a display of the file contents.
Cancel Button
Clicking the Cancel button closes the Open Schedule File Form without opening any file.