SCHED: CreateResTemplateGroup
SCHED / CreateResTemplateGroup '<GroupName>' '<ResourceList>'
The SCHED CreateResTemplateGroup Connect command creates a new resource template group for use in defining task resource requirement logical formulas. When template groups are included in a resource formula, a separate task is created for each resource in the template group. For additional information about defining and applying resource template groups, see the description of the task Resource Required tab.
- GroupName: Parameter is a string of text in single quotes of the name of the group
- ResourceList: Parameter is a string of text in single quotes of a comma delimited list of resource names.
Creates a resource template group called "ImageThreeTargets" including TargetA, TargetB, and TargetC.
SCHED / CreateResTemplateGroup 'ImageThreeTargets' 'TargetA, TargetB, TargetC'
Syntax | Example |
<CommandName> | SCHED / CreateResTemplateGroup |
<GroupName> | 'ImageThreeTargets' |
<ResourceList> | 'TargetA, TargetB, TargetC' |
Return Message
If activate, Connect returns an acknowledgment message.
Group Membership
This command belongs to the following group(s):