SCHED: DeleteResourceLogicalGroup
SCHED / DeleteResourceLogicalGroup '<ResourceLogicalGroupID>'
The SCHED DeleteResourceLogicalGroup Connect command deletes resource constraint and template groups in the active schedule. This command can be used to delete a single resource logical group or multiple resource logical groups.
- ResourceLogicalGroupID: The parameter is a string of text in single quotes of a comma delimited list of resource logical groups.
Deletes the Alpha, Beta, and Charlie resource constraint groups in the active schedule.
SCHED / DeleteResourceLogicalGroup 'Alpha, Beta, Charlie'
Syntax | Example |
<CommandName> | SCHED / DeleteResourceLogicalGroup |
<ResourceLogicalGroupName> | 'Alpha,Beta,Charlie' |
Return Message
If activated, Connect returns and acknowledgment message.
Group Membership
This command belongs to the following group(s):
4.3.1 and 5.0