Description | Example | Return Message | Group(s)

SCHED: GetScheduleInfoOpts


SCHED / GetScheduleInfoOpts '<FileName>' <OptionList>


The SCHED GetScheduleInfoOpts command returns some of the attributes of the active schedule in a report. Its function is mostly identical to the SCHED GetScheduleInfo command, except that the only data in the report is what is specifically requested in the "OptionList".


  • FileName: The parameter is a string of text in single quotes of the absolute path file name. Empty string is allowed if the command doesn’t write out to a file.
  • OptionList: One or more strings specifying what fields should be in the report. There are many fields available. If no strings are given, the full report is generated. Note that the options should not be enclosed by quotes. The strings should match the detail labels listed in the Schedule Report Details page.


Finds the values of all the option settings for the active schedule and writes to the file "out.txt" in the location "C:\Outputs\"
SCHED / GetScheduleInfoOpts 'C:\Outputs\out.txt' SR_SCHEDULENAME SR_DESCRIPTION

<CommandName>SCHED / GetScheduleInfoOpts

Return Message

Connect returns a message that contains all of the specified option setting values for the specified schedule file-- in this case, the schedule's name and description. The report matches the format specified on the Schedule Report Details page.


Group Membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):


