SCHED: LockTaskAssignments
SCHED / LockTaskAssignments '<TaskName>' {Lock or Unlock} {Selector} '<AssignmentList>'
The SCHED LockTaskAssignments Connect command can be used to either Lock or Unlock specified task assignments on a task.
- TaskName: The id of a single task, the assignments of which will be modified by this command. The task id needs to be surrounded by single quotes.
- Lock or Unlock: This should be Lock if locking assignments, or Unlock if unlocking assignments.
- Selector: All if modifying all of a task's assignments, or Ids if modifying a specified list of assignments.
- AssignmentList: A comma delimited list of assignment IDs to modify. This must be in single quotes. This parameter should only be included if the Selector is Ids, otherwise this should be skipped.
Locks all assignments on task DemoTask1SCHED / LockTaskAssignments 'DemoTask1' Lock All
Syntax | Example |
<CommandName> | SCHED / LockTaskAssignments |
'<TaskName>' | DemoTask1 |
{Lock or Unlock} | Lock |
{Selector} | All |
SCHED / LockTaskAssignments 'DemoTask2' Unlock Ids '1,3'
Syntax | Example |
<CommandName> | SCHED / LockTaskAssignments |
'<TaskName>' | DemoTask2 |
{Lock or Unlock} | Unlock |
{Selector} | Ids |
'<AssignmentList>' | 1,3 |
Return Message
If activated, connect returns an acknowledgment message.
Group Membership
This command belongs to the following group(s):