Description | Example | Return Message | Group(s)

SCHED: SetScheduleOptions


SCHED / SetScheduleOptions {AttributeName} <Parameters>


The SCHED SetScheduleOptions Connect command edits the general schedule options for the active schedule.

{AttributeName}<Parameters>Parameters Values
Description'<Description>''<text string>' in single quotes.
Empty string is allowed.
General Parameters
StartTime<StartTime><time string> in one of the formats listed on the DateFormats page.
StopTime<StopTime><time string> in one of the formats listed on the DateFormats page.
BufferTimesApply <IsApplicable>
<IsApplicable> is a boolean that indicates whether or not buffer time should be applied to the schedule
<BufferTime> is the time where buffer times are calculated from. It can either be a date in any of the date formats, or it can be the word Now to indicate real time. This parameter only applies if IsApplicable is set to True
<BufferTimesSplitTasks> is a boolean that indicates whether buffer times should affect individual assignments or entire tasks. This parameter only applies if IsApplicable is set to True
Algorithm Parameters
Algorithm<Algorithm>"One-Pass", "Sequential", "Multi-Pass", "Neural", "Random", "Squeaky-Wheel", "Greedy", or "Custom"

NOTE: A "Custom" algorithm file path needs to be defined using the CustomAlgorithmFilePath option below before deconflicting the schedule.
CustomAlgorithmFilePath'<FilePath>''<FilePath>' is the file path for a custom algorithm file, enclosed in single quotes. The file path can be an absolute path (ex. C:/STKScheduler/Custom.xml) or a relative path (ex. .\Custom.xml) from the current schedule file saved location.

NOTE: This command must be sent before setting Scheduler's algorithm to Custom, or Scheduler will give an error message when deconflicting the schedule.
BestOf<NumRuns>NumRuns may be any integer value >=0.

Integer indicates number of Random and/or Neural runs compared for schedule solution optimization when these algorithms are selected.
RandomSeed<seed>Seed may be any integer value >= 0 or -1.

The seed will set the random values to allow the algorithm to be deterministic. This applies only to Multi-Pass, Random ,Neural, and Squeaky-Wheel. A value of -1 indicates that the seed will not be set, and the value will be randomly set by scheduler.

<True> The scheduling algorithms will prefer assignments that maximize the average score of used timeslot segments.

<False> (default) The scheduling algorithms will prefer assignments that minimize the total number of used timeslot segments.

ExpandEnabled<True|False><True> (default) Maximize tasks will be expanded as normal.
<False> Maximize tasks will be assigned for their minimum duration only.
EarlyExpandEnabled<True|False><True> (default) When possible, task assignments will be expanded earlier than their original start time.
<False> Maximize tasks will keep their original start time for each assignment.
ExpandAssignmentsFirst<True|False><True> Tasks will be maximized before attempting to assign other tasks.
<False> (default) Tasks will be assigned for their minimum duration and all tasks will be assigned before those tasks will be expanded.
ExpandAfterEachPriorityGroup<True|False><True> Tasks will be expanded after all tasks with the same priority are assigned, before attempting to assign lower-priority tasks.
<False> (default) Tasks will be assigned for their minimum duration and all tasks will be assigned before those tasks will be expanded.
Task Priority Parameters
Min and Max values are integers >= 0

Convention parameter is "High" or "Low"; High means that higher number have higher priority, while Low means that lower numbers have a higher priority.
Resource Priority Parameters
Min and Max values are integers >= 0

Convention parameter is "High" or "Low"; High means that higher number have higher priority, while Low means that lower numbers have a higher priority.
Timeslot Score Parameters
Min and Max values are integers from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647. Higher values make the slot more desirable.
FOM Parameters
All parameters are Figure of Merit (FOM) constants and can be any integer value >=0.
STK Parameters
'<FilePath>''<FilePath>' value must be in single quotes. The STK scenario file path can be an absolute path (ex. C:/STKScheduler/Scenario.vdf) or a relative path (ex. .\Scenario.vdf) from the current schedule file saved location. Force is an optional parameter that causes the schedule to switch to a new Scenario path even if the file isn't found.
STKTimestep<timestep>Sets STK's simulation time step size. Real number, in seconds, >0.

<True> will set schedule start/stop times from STK scenario start/stop times when scenario is loaded.

<False> (default) will set STK start/stop times from schedule start/stop times when scenario is loaded.

Notes Parameters
Notes'<Notes>'<Notes> value must be in single quotes. This value can contain special character codes, including carriage returns and line feeds.
RFI Deprioritization Parameters
RfiDeprioritizationBehavior<None|Blackout|Minimized|Offset> {Offset}Determines how timeslots are changed when affected by RFI. The Offset parameter is a double that must only be included if the Behavior value is set to "Offset".


Changes the values of the StopTime, Algorithm, TaskPriority, and FOM attributes in the active schedule to 2002/07/30_13:06:59, Multi-Pass, 1-10-low, and 5-3-12-20-1-1-1, respectively
SCHED / SetScheduleOptions StopTime 2002/07/30_13:06:59 Algorithm Multi-Pass TaskPriority 1 10 LOW FOM 5 3 12 20 1 1 RfiDeprioritizationBehavior Offset 3 1

<CommandName>SCHED / SetScheduleOptions

Return Message

If activated, Connect returns an acknowledgment message.

Group Membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):



4.3.1 and 5.0