Description | Example | Return Message | Group(s)

SCHED: SetViewOptions


SCHED / SetViewOptions {AttributeName} <Parameters>


The SCHED SetViewOptions Connect command edits GUI display settings for the active schedule.

{AttributeName}<Parameters>Parameters Values
View<View>"Gantt" or "Table"
Sort<Sort>"Name" or "Time"
Group<Group>"Ungrouped" or "Grouped" or "ByResource" or (example: aircraft)
Rollup<ShowResources>"None" or "Group" or "Recurr"
ShowLabels<ShowLabels>"Yes" or "No"
ShowParents<ShowParents>"Yes" or "No"
ShowResources<ShowResources>"Yes" or "No"
ShowTimeslots<ShowTimeslots>"Yes" or "No"
ShowUnassigned<ShowUnassigned>"Yes" or "No"
TaskIdFontSize<TaskIdFontSize>New font size for the Task IDs in the Gantt chart; whole number or decimal between 6 and 16, inclusive, and rounded to the nearest quarter of a point. The default size is 10 point.
AssignedColor<AssignedColor>Four ARGB (Red Green Blue Alpha) values that are bytes (0-255) to represent Assigned Tasks in the Gantt and Table
LockedColor<LockedColor>Four ARGB (Red Green Blue Alpha) values that are bytes (0-255) to represent Locked Tasks in the Gantt and Table
DeferredColor<DeferredColor>Four ARGB (Red Green Blue Alpha) values that are bytes (0-255) to represent Deferred Tasks in the Gantt and Table
ViolationColor<ViolationColor>Four ARGB (Red Green Blue Alpha) values that are bytes (0-255) to represent Violations in the Gantt and Table


Sets the display to the Gantt view, does not show parent tasks or labels, shows resources, and rollup recurring tasks
SCHED / SetViewOptions View Gantt ShowParents No ShowLabels No ShowResources Yes Rollup Recurr

<CommandName>SCHED / SetViewOptions
{AttributeName} {Parameter}View Gantt
{AttributeName} {Parameter}ShowParents No
{AttributeName} {Parameter}Showlabels No
{AttributeName} {Parameter}ShowResources Yes
{AttributeName} {Parameter}Rollup Recurr

Return Message

If activated, Connect returns an acknowledgment message.

Group Membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):


