STK Object Hierarchy

The following table displays the parent-child relationships possible between all STK objects. Certain objects require specific licensing, but to make the table simpler to read this information has been excluded from it.

All of the objects are listed in the table with their hierarchy relationships indicated across the row. The Independent column indicates whether the object can exist by itself at the scenario level. The Parent column indicates if the object is capable of having child objects assigned to it, while the Child column indicates if the object is capable of being a child of another object. Finally, the Valid Children column lists the objects that the object can be a parent to, if the object is capable of having children assigned to it.

Object Independent Parent Child Valid Children
Satellite Y Y N Antenna, Sensor, Receiver, Transmitter, Radar, Attitude Coverage
Aircraft Y Y N Antenna, Sensor, Receiver, Transmitter, Radar, Attitude Coverage
Ground Vehicle Y Y N Antenna, Sensor, Receiver, Transmitter, Radar, Attitude Coverage
Ship Y Y N Antenna, Sensor, Receiver, Transmitter, Radar, Attitude Coverage
Launch Vehicle Y Y N Antenna, Sensor, Receiver, Transmitter, Radar, Attitude Coverage
Missile Y Y Y Antenna, Sensor, Receiver, Transmitter, Radar, Attitude Coverage
Facility Y Y N Antenna, Sensor, Receiver, Transmitter, Radar
Target Y Y N Antenna, Sensor, Receiver, Transmitter, Radar
Planet Y N N -
Star Y N N -
Line Target Y N N -
Area Target Y N N -
Chain Y N N -
Constellation Y N N -
Comm System Y N N -
Missile System Y Y N Missile
Coverage Definition Y Y N Figure of Merit
AdvCAT Y N N -
Antenna N N Y -
Sensor N Y Y Antenna, Receiver, Transmitter, Radar
Receiver N N Y -
Transmitter N N Y -
Radar N N Y -
Figure of Merit N N Y -
Attitude Coverage N Y Y Attitude Figure of Merit
Attitude Figure of Merit N N Y -

STK Programming Interface 11.0.1