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IAgCrdnCalcScalarConstant Interface


Constant scalar value of specified dimension.

Public Properties

Public Property Dimension The dimension of the constant value, this can be any of the STK supported dimensions.
Public Property Value A value which can be in any STK supported unit available for selected dimension.


Create a calc scalar constant.
[C#] Copy Code
//Create a calc scalar constant. 
IAgCrdnCalcScalarConstant calcScalar = (IAgCrdnCalcScalarConstant)provider.CalcScalars.Factory.Create( 
    "CalcScalarName""Calc scalar constant.", AgECrdnCalcScalarType.eCrdnCalcScalarTypeConstant); 

Create a calc scalar constant.
[Visual Basic .NET] Copy Code
'Create a calc scalar constant.
Dim calcScalar As IAgCrdnCalcScalarConstant = DirectCast(provider.CalcScalars.Factory.Create("CalcScalarName", "Calc scalar constant.", AgECrdnCalcScalarType.eCrdnCalcScalarTypeConstant), IAgCrdnCalcScalarConstant)

CoClasses that Implement IAgCrdnCalcScalarConstant

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STK Programming Interface 11.0.1