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IAgCrdnEventEpoch Interface


Event set at specified date/time.

Public Properties

Public Property Epoch An explicit date/time, set using any STK date format.


Create and configure fixed epoch event.
[C#] Copy Code
IAgCrdnEvent timeEvent = provider.Events.Factory.CreateEventEpoch("MyEventFixed""MyDescription"); 
IAgCrdnEventEpoch asEpoch = timeEvent as IAgCrdnEventEpoch; 
// Epoch can be set explicitly (Uses current DateTime unit preference, this code snippet assumes UTCG) 
asEpoch.Epoch = "1 May 2016 04:00:00.000"
// Epoch can also be set with the epoch of another event 
IAgCrdnEventFindOccurrenceResult startTime = provider.Events["AvailabilityStartTime"].FindOccurrence(); 
asEpoch.Epoch = startTime.Epoch; 
IAgCrdnEventFindOccurrenceResult occurrence = timeEvent.FindOccurrence(); 
if (occurrence.IsValid) 

    Console.WriteLine("Event occurred at: " + occurrence.Epoch); 


Create and configure fixed epoch event.
[Visual Basic .NET] Copy Code
Dim timeEvent As IAgCrdnEvent = provider.Events.Factory.CreateEventEpoch("MyEventFixed", "MyDescription")
Dim asEpoch As IAgCrdnEventEpoch = TryCast(timeEvent, IAgCrdnEventEpoch)

' Epoch can be set explicitly (Uses current DateTime unit preference, this code snippet assumes UTCG)
asEpoch.Epoch = "1 May 2016 04:00:00.000"

' Epoch can also be set with the epoch of another event
Dim startTime As IAgCrdnEventFindOccurrenceResult = provider.Events("AvailabilityStartTime").FindOccurrence()
asEpoch.Epoch = startTime.Epoch

Dim occurrence As IAgCrdnEventFindOccurrenceResult = timeEvent.FindOccurrence()
If occurrence.IsValid Then
    Console.WriteLine("Event occurred at: " + occurrence.Epoch)
End If

CoClasses that Implement IAgCrdnEventEpoch

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