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Create Method (IAgCrdnPlaneFactory)
See Also  Example
Specify a component name.
Specify a component description.
Specify a component type.


Creates a VGT plane using the specified name, description and type.


[Visual Basic .NET]
Public Function Create( _
   ByVal PlaneName As String, _
   ByVal Description As String, _
   ByVal PlaneType As AgECrdnPlaneType _
) As IAgCrdnPlane

public IAgCrdnPlane Create(
string PlaneName,
string Description,
AgECrdnPlaneType PlaneType

[Managed C++]
public: IAgCrdnPlane^ Create(
String __gc ^ PlaneName,
String __gc ^ Description,
AgECrdnPlaneType PlaneType

public IAgCrdnPlane create(
String PlaneName,
String Description,
AgECrdnPlaneType PlaneType

[Unmanaged C++]
public: HRESULT Create(
BSTR PlaneName,
BSTR Description,
AgECrdnPlaneType PlaneType,
IAgCrdnPlane ** ReturnValue


Specify a component name.
Specify a component description.
Member Value Description
eCrdnPlaneTypeUnknown -1 Unknown or unsupported type.
eCrdnPlaneTypeNormal 0 A plane normal to a vector at a given point.
eCrdnPlaneTypeQuadrant 1 A plane is defined by the quadrant from a Reference System (e.g., XY, XZ, YZ, YX, ZX, ZY). The reference point in all cases is the origin of the coordinate system.
eCrdnPlaneTypeTrajectory 2 A plane is defined on the basis of a trajectory of a selected point with respect to a reference point.
eCrdnPlaneTypeTriad 3 A plane is defined by the three points.
eCrdnPlaneTypeTemplate 4 Represents a VGT plane created from a template. This type of plane is not creatable.
Specify a component type.


Spaces and most punctuation ( except for "-_().") cannot be used as a part of a component name when creating new components via VGT API.


Create a plane normal to vector.
[C#] Copy Code
// Create a plane normal to vector. 
IAgCrdnPlaneNormal p = (IAgCrdnPlaneNormal)provider.Planes.Factory.Create( 
    "PlaneName""A plane normal to vector.", AgECrdnPlaneType.eCrdnPlaneTypeNormal); 

Create a plane normal to vector.
[Visual Basic .NET] Copy Code
' Create a plane normal to vector.
Dim p As IAgCrdnPlaneNormal = DirectCast(provider.Planes.Factory.Create("PlaneName", "A plane normal to vector.", AgECrdnPlaneType.eCrdnPlaneTypeNormal), IAgCrdnPlaneNormal)

See Also

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