
Specify the Attitude Mode for the aircraft.

Related Commands


MissionModeler <AircraftObjPath> Aircraft PerfModel "Acceleration" "<AccelMdlName>" SetValue AttitudeMode {Value}


Define the method of attitude determination to be used for the aircraft.

Note: AttitudeMode is only viable when there is no Aero/Prop model defined. (In STK 9 this model can not be set via Connect.)

"<AccelMdlName>" Enter the acceleration model name.
{Value} Valid values are "ZeroAOA", "Helicopter", "CalculateAOA"
  • ZeroAOA - The aircraft will remain parallel to the flight path at all times. resulting in a constant angle of attack of zero.
  • Helicopter - The aircraft will remain parallel to the horizon at all times, resulting in a negative angle of attack when climbing and a positive angle of attack when descending.
  • CalculateAOA - The aircraft's angle of attack will be calculated dynamically.



MissionModeler */Aircraft/Aircraft1 Aircraft PerfModel "Acceleration" "AccelMdl1" SetValue AttitudeMode "Helicopter"


STK Programming Interface 11.0.1